Chapter 17:

4.1 Warrior Test and 2ed Mission


We received a quest to kill goblins in the northern parts of town. Silica explained that goblins were the weakest creatures around but grew rapidly in numbers. She mentioned that her party had killed over 100 goblins in the past six months and assured us that they were relatively easy to deal with.

We ventured into the northern part of the forest, where we encountered three goblins. Silica and I devised a plan to simultaneously cast fireballs at two of the targets and leave Kendra to handle the remaining one in a one-on-one fight, with us as backup.

The goblins were small, standing at about three feet tall. Although they lacked weapons, their sharp claws seemed capable of inflicting damage. Silica and I utilized our magic, successfully hitting and incapacitating two of the goblins, leaving Kendra to face the last one. The goblin barely reached Kendra's waist as she fearlessly charged, landing a solid hit on its clavicle and shoulder. The goblin cried out in pain and terror before angrily lunging at Kendra. In self defense, she swiftly stabbed it in the stomach, ultimately causing its demise.

Silica proceeded to use her side knife to slit the throat of the goblin she had shot, then handed me the knife to do the same. It was the second time I had killed anything larger than a mouse, and we stood there in silence, grappling with the weight of taking a life for the second time. Silica attempted to reassure us, emphasizing that these creatures were malevolent.

We decided to head back to town and call it a day. On our way, we unexpectedly encountered six more goblins. They charged at us with clear intent to kill. Silica swiftly took action, shooting a fireball at the first goblin, while Kendra drew her sword, positioning it over her head. "Fire coming on your left, Kendra!" I shouted.

I launched my fireball, hitting a goblin that was less than a foot away from Kendra. Simultaneously, her sword swung down, injuring the front goblin. With three out of six goblins disabled, the fourth one leaped and knocked Kendra to the ground, scratching her right arm and tearing a rip on her new clothes. Reacting quickly, I rushed over and struck the goblin on its head with my staff, rendering it unconscious. Silica launched a second fireball and drew her sword, taking down the fifth goblin. The sixth goblin, overwhelmed with fear, fled into the bushes. My third fight went okay only, slight injuries as a scratch on Kendra. We went straight to the guild hall and presented our accomplishment of slaying eight goblins. In return, we received 35 copper pieces. We each received 11 copper coins and contributed two coppers towards our bill for drinks. We went back to Jarven tavern or brothel and enjoyed our tropical drink. Ahh! It’s the best!

We also ran into Chad and Kyle, as they were already drinking. I hadn’t had the time to tell them to get a job yet. Silica must have planned this for me to tell them to get one? and Yep, she was correct. “Man up! You’re the leader aren’t you!” Sitting there getting lectured at was not fun.

As we arrived back at Silica’s house, we gathered and spent the remainder of the night conversing. It was during our conversation that Silica dropped a bombshell on me: I had to deliver a speech the following day in front of the entire student body. The news hit me like a ton of bricks, and my mind raced with thoughts of anxiety and apprehension. Silica and Kendra wished me luck, offering their support as I grappled with the daunting task that had unexpectedly been thrust upon me.



Five nights ago, I found myself in an unknown world. Why was I naked? Luckily I wasn’t the first one to show up. Yumi, our class rep was the first one here. That must have been a bad experience. Luckily President Midoriya was already waiting for us. She gave us clothes and told us about this world. It was like a new RPG game on how she explained it. Watching people appear was a weird experience as they just randomly appeared naked… Kenzie was the last to appear. President or Silica she likes to be called, was eyeing Kenzie up like a new hot deal on snacks. Her explanation was confusing but the jest of it was Kenzie summoned us to this new world and that he is a Nephilim a descendant of a god. In the end, we went shopping for much needed clothes and got our magic measured. I had so little magic that it was better to say I had none at all. Pathetic if you ask me, but I had no choice but to pick a physical weapon if I wanted to stay close to Kenzie to protect him.

Mr. Daichi was a huge man, and he had the audacity to measure me up. Tich! Men are all the same. I got a good punch on him for that. My training soon began; it was hard! Doing so much physical work, swinging, hitting, push ups, and fighting. Kenzie was taking it easy talking to Silica while I was working my ass off training. Then there was a rumor of him kissing her! That stupid jerk! I will have to teach him a lesson.

In the end, I finished my warrior training, it was easier than I first expected. I always played the melee classes during online games, so I had a good idea of what to do. My physical body was lacking but I wasn’t too physically weak. I would often play sports with Kenzie playing soccer and volleyball. I was stronger than most girls.

Goblins are the first quest. Gross! A three-foot green smelly beast. Man, they are ugly don’t these creatures know how to take a bath? Kenzie and Silica both shoot fire magic, so I was the vanguard. Vanguard is the front-line offense in the party. Daichi my warrior said “Remember Kendra, you are the front line, stand tall in front of your enemy and act with your instincts and reflexes. If you go down, you will be alone. Mackenzie and Silica are both rear guards; it will take some time for them to reach you if you go too far in front. They are also weak in front of enemies in a brawl. Don’t let the enemy get by you!”

My first battle went quite well. The feeling of cutting an unarmed creature is cold. It's going to take time to get used to killing. Goblins are bad creatures, and we should get rid of them. That’s what I told myself. But it is not working.

The second battle did not go in my favor as I closed my eyes after swinging at the first goblin, unable to look at them when I swung. I got jumped by a second goblin and he scratched my new clothes on me shoulder. It hurt! Luckily Kenzie saved me. I failed my job. I failed my party. I failed my role of vanguard. I will have to get stronger.

Kenzie and Silica didn’t say anything about me getting hurt. This world was much different than RPG as monsters don’t give experience. The only way to improve was through skill and training. I got it healed by Tina when we got back to the house hall.

Kenzie being vice president is not a good idea. I don’t know why I let him join the student council. After finding out that he must give a speech in front of the student body, guilt hit me! He was a terrible presenter. He was good in small groups and was a good leader but during class presentations, he crumpled. He’s going to crash and burn tomorrow during his speech. I know it.
