Chapter 11:

Uniquely Similar

We Can Restore Our Memory With Apples [Old Contest Ver.]

Two weeks into the new school semester passed, and I still had no friends. I was the only one from my orphanage that went to this school because it was a middle through high school and I was enrolled at my old orphanage. Just to put minds at ease, Ringomori went to an all-girls school.

In school, I wasn't bullied or outcast for my lack of family, though there were times where I was ridiculed for it; I ignored it. I simply didn't bother trying to find friends because I felt like I'd only dampen moods with my uninteresting personality. Sure, people would approach and talk to me, but our interactions started and ended there. Personally, I fancied games over socialization.

In class, I sat in the back middle where a taller and more muscular student sat in front of me. He blocked most of my view of the board but that was a good thing, because it meant the teacher wouldn't see me very well and I could laze around all the time. For the first three periods, I always did just that, not caring for whatever was being taught; I had a lot of free time to catch up on assignments.

When lunch came, I'd eat my food in the school's courtyard for some fresh air. From my position, I was able to oversee the field where students played soccer and sat in groups picking weeds, though I didn't actually watch them. I'd often listen to music or go nose-deep in my rhythm game in an attempt to tier up.

One day, I was nearing the end of a song when a student unexpectedly sat on the same bench as me. I didn't look at them but gave them some space by scooting further to the edge. My bento box was on my lap, so I tried to make sure it didn't fall while shifting my weight. I finished the song with a Great Full Combo and broke into the top100 of the current event.

I wonder what rank Ringomori-san is at right now. This is her first time tierin' up so top5000 might be her goal.

When I exited the app from my phone, I noticed that my lap felt lighter. Looking down, I discovered that it had fallen onto the bench – between me and the other student.

"S-Sorry about that!"
I frantically cleaned up my mess consisting of a few grains of rice and dirtied napkins.

The student seemed to be minding their own business until I finished cleaning up, and they decided to speak for the first time.
"I'm surprised that your lunch doesn't have a pie from CLARIS."

My ear twitched.
That voice… It's familiar?
I darted my eyes to the student and saw a boy in my school uniform with beautifully combed hair and glasses. My head tilted and I asked,
"Wh-Who are you?"

He giggled, "Maybe Superman was right about glasses, they make a great disguise."
He took off his glasses, looked at me, and my eyes widened with recognition.

The cashier from CLARIS? What's his name again? I-I think it was…
"A-Ashikaga-san?" I said with bewilderment apparent on my face. "Wh-What are you doin' at this school? A-Aren't you a university student?"

He softly snorted with laughter, "I'll take that as a compliment, but I'm not a university student. Actually, I'm your kouhai from class 2-B, Vieira-senpai.

My eyes flickered with even more confusion between our two physics, questioning where I went wrong in life and how my underclassman did many things right.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bag.
"You want pop rocks? My mom always packs two, so I always have one t'spare."

"N-No thanks," I said. "Can I ask how you knew where I-I was?"

"Wel, I knew about'ya back in first semester through the rumors that a senpai was an orphan, and that intrigued me. I was quite shocked to find out it was you, a boy who often visits the pie shop."

I remained silent, but allowed my confusion to be visible.

He continued, "My family used t'live in Tokyo, but then my pa divorced my ma and then died of an illness. Then I recently lost my little sis in an accident."
His bluntness about his disheartening experience was bracing.

"Y-You're not an orphan, right?"

"No, thankfully – no offense. Me and my ma moved here t'live with my uncles and cousins, but I never really connected t'em like family 'cause they're a lot older than me and practically out of the house. So I feel like I can somewhat relate t'ya about lose'n and replace'n family. Pop rocks?"

I declined his offer again.
"Well, you have my sympathies, Ashikaga-san. You do somewhat relate to me."

"Thanks. Also, since I'm your kouhai, you can call me by my first name: Daishi."

"Alrighty then, D-Daishi-kun, why did you approach me now?"

Without hesitation, he said, "There's not really a reason, I just thought we could chat. It's not often that you work somewhere and one of your recur'n customers is a senpai with a relatively similar background."

I didn't understand him, but accepted that as a valid reason.
"I-I should warn you now that I'm quite awkward and not a good role model senpai."

"I don't care, I just want to make a friend."

"A-Are we friends?" I asked.

"Well, I know what your favorite pie is, that's gotta count for something, yeah? Tell me, do'ya have any other friends?"

"Not at school."

"Really? How do you have no friends, and yet have a girlfriend?"

My throat choked up and a strained cough was produced. I looked at him with raised eyebrows and a reddening face.
"W-We're not datin' at all!"

My sudden panic brought another giggle from him.
"Really? I for sure thought y'all were date'n."

"I-I assure you, we're only friends. Sh-She's been my only friend, because we're similar too."

"Oh, is she an orphan too?"

My lack of response was enough to answer his question.

He appeared aghast, saying, "It's not often you work somewhere and TWO of your recur'n customers are orphans with similar backgrounds…and a sweet tooth."

Rubbing my chin, I thought about his analysis.
"When you put it like that, it does seem quite odd, but in a good way."

He leaned back on the bench to relax.
"Say, do'ya believe opposites attract?"

"In a scientific sense, yes."

"No, let me reiterate, do you believe opposites attract…in a romantical sense?"

"W-Well, that's how most love stories go, right?"

He put his arms behind his head as a headrest.
"So, in no way shape or form, are you attracted to that girl? Since she's so similar to you."

I refocused my gaze to the field in front of us.
"I-I… Well the thing is…" I continued to stammer. "Th-There could be times where…alikes attract instead."

"So, are you attracted to her?" he asked again.

Fumbling more of my words, I said, "I-I'm not sure if it was 'attraction' but…but perhaps th-there's some feelin' that's o-only there when she's around."

My mind had too many words it wanted me to say, and my hysteria wasn't helping me or my underclassman understand what I wanted to clarify. I had to reorganize myself.
Calm down, stupid, We're talkin' about Ringomori-san, a person who helped me a lot. I'm not doin' the best job makin' her appear like a good person to him. Let me get things straight.

Using my hands to gesture, I said, "When you're surrounded by opposites, they all start to look alike and blend together into a big, gray blob. Then, the only person you're similar to becomes the opposite of that blob and stands out the most. So, in a sense, it was both attraction to the similar and opposite of a single person, but I don't know if it's romantical."

Daishi looked at me with dropped eyebrows.
"I don't really understand what you said, but it seems like you do."

"Yeah, it's fine if you don't understand. I'm sure she would, and that's all that really matters."

The bell rang for the conclusion of lunch immediately after. The students on the field packed their belongings and cleared out. I put my bento in my schoolbag, and Daishi patted me on the back as he stood up.

"Before – at school and CLARIS – you always seemed pale and out of touch with reality, which is understandable, but I'm not gonna lie, I woulda thought you'd end yourself at some point. But now, I see you're a bit more colorful, though there's obviously a few things you need t'sniff out. See'ya around, Vieira-senpai."

He waved as he left and I slowly stood up to return the gesture, then I headed for my own classroom in the other direction.

On the way back, I realized I forgot to take my antidepressant pill. Oh well, I thought. I can do without it for today.

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