Chapter 18:

Fifth Test

Uomo Universale

"So, most insects and birds are a part of aspect six, but ostriches, chickens, spiders and snails are part of aspect three, right?"

Gika nodded in response to my assertion.

"I think I am starting to get it, but under the pressure of a test I'm sure I'll forget all this." I said.

"Six can fly, three can't." Gika said.

"Ooh, that makes sense! Since six is associated with air whereas three is associated with ground!"

"Yes." Gika said, smiling.

"Anything else that you think will be useful to revise?

She pointed to a book from among our collection then said: "One six two."

As I was commanded, I grabbed the book, The Art of Alchemical Creation, then went to page one hundred sixty two, a section on color and light.

"So you've been thinking about it too?" I asked.

She nodded.

"As much as it hurts me to say this, I think we should try to pass our exams before continuing thinking about the painting. I'm not as good at alchemy as you are, you know? I still have quite a bit of studying to do. Not to mention that as far as I'm aware, the people outside the city don't have much knowledge on alchemy, so I doubt we'd be able to find a way to recreate that glowing pigment in here." I said, pointing towards the book.

Gika sighed, grabbed the book, then held it close to her chest while flipping to another page.

"All basic materials from aspect five, now." She said, her tone like that of a strict teacher.

"Eh… when was something considered a 'basic material' again?"

The look of mixed shock, surprise and disappointment on Gika's face was strangely hilarious.

"I'm kidding!" I said, "It's wood, bone and obsidian. Oh yeah, and chalk as well."

"Yes!" Gika said, her face returning back to normal.

We continued like this for a bit, Gika quizzing me on various aspects of alchemy until both of us could barely keep our eyes open. I recognized that getting a good night's sleep would be significantly more useful for completing tomorrow's test than attempting to sleep-drunkenly stumble my way through learning a few more obscure facts that would most likely never appear on any reasonable exam. Needless to say, we fell asleep the moment both of us just touched our beds. My gamble paid off, as I felt quite energetic the following morning with both of us waking up early enough to go through the final pieces of information before we set off towards the Municipio. While I had done a similar walk at least four times before, it felt… different this time. Like a new wind was blowing, pushing me in the same direction but with a difference in strength and warmth. Gika and I walked together, synchronized, towards the same goal. It gave me strength and determination I didn't know I had, I surprised myself. The Municipio had changed as well. No longer was it an impressive work of architectural design and excessive riches. Instead, it had become an enormous monument of evil, looming over the city, waiting to be torn down. We entered and made our way to the assembly room. Only five other candidates were waiting there, the initial massive pool having been whittled down to a mere few. We were led into the examination chambers where Gika and I sat down, both of us ready yet still nervous for the test. It didn't take long for the all-too familiar 'begin!' to be shouted through the chambers, marking the start of our tests. After several hours of regurgitating the connections between concepts and various aspects, as well as the way various aspects can connect or split, I finished the test. As I walked out of the room, I was honestly somewhat unsure of what my results would be. Gika would gain a perfect score, no doubt, but me? As we walked out, a short and stubby man, an Uomo Universale, who had given the introductory speech before the first test, called out to the participants to make clear that since there were only so few of us left, the results would most likely be announced tomorrow. A day of me nervously pacing and worrying later, we returned, the same short man on a platform to announce the results:

"Four individuals have passed this test," he began, "their pseudonyms being Beatrice, Christiano, Giovanna…

I held my breath. I felt like I was going to suffocate, because he took what felt like an eternity to say the final name.

…and Leonardo."

I breathed out, the tension in my body releasing with the air I let out.

"Congratulations, all who passed," the man continued, "please note that shortly after the final test, all who have succeeded will be invited to an introductory ball with the other Uomo Universale. Please make sure you have the appropriate dress-wear ready at that time."

A ball with Gika… my mind spun with the possibilities. If I could dance with her, I think nothing could make me happier.

"Gika," I said, "I know that there's a lot of serious stuff going on, but when we're done, let's- let's enjoy ourselves together for one night, okay? Would you want to dance-?"

She nodded with a large grin on her face, then leaned over for a kiss, which I accepted.

"Do you have anything you could wear?" I asked.

She shook her head.

"Well, have no worry!" I said, "I'm sure I can figure some stuff out with my dad. He can lend us some money, and then we can have whatever you want made for you, how does that sound?"

She shook her head, then pushed down on my shoulders to whisper something in my ear:

"Let's make beautiful clothes together. You are such a good artist, you could make them beautiful."

I blushed, and became a little too flustered to immediately respond. After a few seconds, I managed to push a few words past my lips:

"Y- Yes, thank you… eh… you are a great artist too and…"

Gika giggled. She whispered in my ear once again:

"I know and you too."