Chapter 6:

Puppets in Puppets [Final Part]

Puppets in Puppets

Julius's blade met his son's flesh. He pierced his heart without much issue. Augustus's face showed shock for a moment, before it drained away and made way for a limp, lifeless expression. Julius retracted the Gladius, removing the one object Augustus's body was resting on,causing his corpse to fall onto the ground, the sound of bloodied meat slamming into the floor ringing through the chamber. 

As the reality of the situation dawned on him, I let out an intentional cough to draw his attention. Shocked, he turned around to see me, clad in a dark robe and holding the notebook. Tears began to form in the corners of Julius's eyes.

"What… was that?" Julius stammered, "that- that wasn't me- I-"

His fingers finally let go of the sword, which made an unpleasant clanking sound as it fell to the ground.

"It wasn't me!" He re-asserted, this time with fury in his voice, "It's all your fault, isn't it?!"

He ran towards me, his hands out as if to choke me, yet actually touching me proved impossible, as his hands went right through me.

"Why?! Why?! Why?!"

I said nothing.

"Are you- are you a god?" If I say I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry, and I mean it, will you erase this part of the notebook?!"

He awaited an answer but the silence remained. 

"I'm not purple, I'm not an earthling!" He shouted, "I wonder if numerals go to heaven! Movies about nukes are cliché now! I am Erasmus, the bridge that is! Your jokes are like a spa! All the way down, it's puppets in puppets in puppets in puppets."

Despite his attempts to prevent it, Julius's sword was now covered in the blood of his son. He had killed the joy of his life…

…and the audience cheered!