Chapter 1:

Ep 1: Dumbee's back mates! And he's got a capybara friend with him

The Yowie Hunt Season 2

"In the land of Australialand, there lives a hunky guy name Niles- er, Drop Bear Dumbee. He's a guy that travels with a Yowie named Yaoi. Since you're too dumb to get my brilliant word pun, I'll explain it. Yaoi is named Yaoi cause the name's Yowie! Whatever, I rewrote him so he's yoai and we can cash in on the fujoshi market. I don't care. Back to narration. We've got a new animal friend joining them!" the narrator, Cringe danced.

"Where am I what am I?"

"You're a capybarra mate!" Dumbee smiled.

Dumbee now had his shirt more unbuttoned, showing off  more of his hairy and muscular chest.

"Let's yaoi," said Yaoi the yowie.

"What?" said the capybara.

"That's all he says mate, like one of those Yokemon," Dumbee smiled.

"Is there anyway for me to get back? I need to get back home so I can win the flame war I was having online with my ex-girlfriend," Capybara said.

"Where ya from?"

"The big city in the human world."

"Can't travel further than Australialand, least not without a boat. Besides, I'm sure there's a computer somewhere in the outback."

"Let's yaoi," Yoai flatly said.

"Yaoi says he knows where to find a computer. Don't worry mate, we'll get you back so you can win that flame war!" Dumbee smiled.

"And they journey. As for why Capybara was isekaid as a capybara? Cause that's what I wrote!" the narrator stammered.

"Look mate! A keyboard!" Dumbee said as he picked up a greasy keyboard lying in the dirt.

Capybara then noticed all the keys were missing.

"You must find all the keys, for this is the only keyboard in the outback," the narrator said as he appeared before the group.

"Great Cringe211134! You are the greatest fan flamer ever!" Capybara praised.

"Yes, did you add an extra 1 though? Anyway, here are all the keys that can spell my username. Unlike that shitty spider, I put in the work. All you viewers at home should read 9 novel flex and follow my blog on," the narrator said.

"Good going mate! Let's type something out!" Dumbee smiled as he began typing.

Suddenly, a computer screen appeared and displayed a website. It was Cringe's blogpage.

"This is the homepage. When you find all the keys, you can log in and win your flame war my Capybarra sycophant," the narrator stated.

"Look mate! It says we can find some more keys if we go to this spot on the map," Dumbee smiled as he pulled out a map and pointed to a spot.

"Let's yaoi," Yaoi stated as he pointed in the direction of the keys.

The three set off to get the keys.

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