Chapter 15:

Visit to the library

The broken bond

Arna waited patiently at the entrance of Ethos city, the city of knowledge. The city is not just a hub of academia but also a cultural melting pot. Museums celebrate the arts, galleries showcase scientific discoveries through intricate diagrams and models, and theaters stage plays inspired by the great works of literature. The streets echo with the languages of diverse scholars exchanging ideas. Ethos was the right place to find answers she needed. 

It was the first time Arna had ever when on a outing besides raiding and visiting Diane. With a guy. Was it too much? She stole glances at her reflection in a nearby window, adjusting her hair and smoothing the fabric of her knee length orange dress in a futile attempt to quell the rising tide of nerves. She felt a tap on her shoulder which made her turn her head with anticipation. 

It was Rehan dressed in a simple scholar robe but he wore a warm smile making  her relaxed  from the butterfly in fluttering in her tummy.  "You look beautiful Arna and I look so normal for our first date," his words threw her off guard. " Oh no you look so charming and besides don't date usually happen between lovers," she asked naively. From what Diane and Luna told her date's happen between between people who love each other. " Well, Dates also happen between people who wanna get to know each other. They can end up either as friends or lovers. Anyways let's head to the Mystlit Library, we can look for answers there," he extended his hand towards Arna. With a subtle pause,  she finally decided to hold the outstretched hand.

They made way towards the library through the hustle and bustle of Ethos street. They were greeted by an old lady. She had a Raven spirit resting on her shoulder. She took down details and wised them a happy visit. The last time when Arna was surrounded by book was when she would listen to her dad Nikito's stories. 

Rehan lead her to the old record sections. There was a book displayed in a protective glass case. She could sense magic lurking around the case to ward of any tempering from anyone. " " Are you interested, in that book," Rehan asked playfully when he saw Arna was mesmerized by the ancient grimore. "Only the head mage has access to that book, it was foretold that the book would record any new spells or an unprecedented dead by a spirit," he explained. " It peaked Arna curiosity.

She moved closer to the glasscase with Rehan right behind her. Luciana came out when Arna summoned her. " Lucy can you access the grimore," "You call me for this insignicant matter," Luciana huffed in annoyance. Arna gave her the cutest looked begging Luciana to undo the magic. 

Rehan just observed their chatter. When he saw the girl talk so cutely, his heart skipped a beat, and were captivated by the adorable charm in her voice. The sensation was unfamiliar, a flutter in his chest as if his heart decided to dance to a rhythm it had never encountered. He saw Arna spirit break the spell with a wave of her hand it just mesmerized him. Unconsciously, he started moving into her vicinity. 

Arna lifted the glass and placed down carefully. She open the book it showed how the Ophir and the first king became bonded. Details about the king's death and death by the gloom. Suddenly, an intimate exhalation grazed her neck, causing a subtle shiver that broke her focus. It was Rehan. A wave of baffled shivers cascaded down her spine as she felt his breath, yet an inexplicable desire kept her from pushing him away. She saw his hands on both ends of the stand, creating a makeshift barrier between them. The tension in his grasp on either side mirrored the unspoken emotions lingering in the air. 

Trying her best to focus on the book at hand, she made it to the last page. When she saw the title, it made her world crashing down. The death of Nikito and Leia Ankermen.