Wings of fate: Revelations of the kingdom
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Wings of fate: Revelations of the kingdom

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Sometimes fate is aligned for us. Some people accept it, and some people try and change it. King Magnus was one of the few who took control of the things around them. But what will happen to his son (Nyxon) when he tries to do the same for himself? Secrets are spilled, and true colors are shown.

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Wings of fate: Revelations of the kingdom

Wings of fate: Revelations of the kingdom

After the events of the Elderian war, King Magnus takes a new born from the planet Yutania. There on planet earth, Nyxon grows up in a castle as a prince in the kingdom of Esmus while together with the Princess of Prophets and his girlfriend, Luna. But something is right, secrets are being kept, ...

Updated: Sep 11, 2023