Introducing the Main Players - The Crux Knights
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Introducing the Main Players - The Crux Knights

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Top: Vice Commander Saturn

(From strongest ranked to least strongest ranked)

Row 1: Sirius; Arcturus; Pollux; Vega; Capella
Row 2: Rigel; Betelgeuse; Procyon; Altair; Mimosa

Author's Note: The unique designs compliments their unique personalities and interactions with each other.

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Upload dateJun 21, 2022

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The Town Where the Wind Doesn't Blow: Welcome to Gossport City

A new approach to the cyberpunk genre, juxtaposed with medieval fantasy! The year is 2135. Crux is a world organization shrouded in secrecy, devoted in maintaining civilian peace, happiness, and safety within the cities of their respective countries. New recruit Vega has been inducted into ...

Updated: Dec 21, 2023