In a world of magic and swords, a young man named Shota finds himself reincarnated as a lowly goblin named Hermit, stripped of his memories and his former identity. Cursed by the goddess of lust, Lusseria, for insulting her, Shota's chance at becoming an overpowered main character is lost, leavin...
A deadly bombing shatters the peace, and Sunguard Special Agent Mikhail Johnson is on the trail of the terrorists who left chaos in their wake. As he tracks the killers across a divided city, Johnson finds himself drawn into a dangerous conspiracy that tests his dedication to justice. Every step ...
Kelley faces loss and danger.At the same time she is struggling to find a solution to her conflict.
Muramasa Jouzu has decided it's time to take over existence and has recruited some new minions, Nika and Kumi, to his ranks. Nika does not wish to battle, however Kumi is ready to throw down, and upload all her exploits to her channel. Looks like it's gonna be a fun adventure. Muwahahaha.
I’ve always believed that art reflects the artist’s soul. Because art is the language of the soul. And yours... yours is full of life. To me, art is like an offering, too. To a world that has given me so little, to a world that has taken from me so much, it is my offering. My good will. In hopes ...
In a future where peace is maintained through the iron grip of the Sunguard, Myan Lami, an elite biot Special Agent, begins to question his very existence. Designed to follow orders without hesitation, he is a near-perfect soldier - artificial but human in every way that matters. When a mission t...
Kham Men, a Jerrassian prisoner on Mercury, seethes under the oppressive rule of the Terran Federation and its military arm, the Sunguard. Forced into grueling labor, he dreams of rebellion as he endures cruelty at the hands of his Terran jailers. Haunted by memories of his homeworld's decay unde...
[Oneshot] What if some gyarus suddenly wanted you to hang out with them? That's the question Jouzou Hiroto, resident daydreamer, is faced with when a gyaru from his class, suddenly asks him to hang out with her and her friends.
Yoichi has been a social butterfly all his life despite one abnormal adversity: a mutated disease that pushes people away like a forcefield. Imposing a huge risk on everyone around him, he’s forced to rely on the barely-fulfilling world of online socializing. That’s until they discover Verónic...
After a massive tragedy strikes the kingdom of Theatreux, the survivors are thrown into a disarray of drama and mystery while the masterminds secure their victory. That is until Cherry awakens, plagued with amnesia, and finds herself in a mansion with only four aristocratic yet eccentric siblings...