Hated by the Evil Lady

There was nothing that Lucien wanted more than his childhood friend's happiness. She saved him in the past, so this time, it was his turn to save her.

…However, someone would always get in his way.

Lucien never liked the beautiful, proud, and notorious Princess Giselle. Despite being the princess, she always looked at him with obvious disdain—most importantly, she was looking at his childhood friend the same way.

And that was the only thing he could never allow.

#PrincessFL #TsundereFL #FLwithasadpast #TwintailsFL #WherestheIsekaipart? #KindML #BrotherlyML #WeaktohisbigsisterML #LonghairedML #FLisofahigherstatusthanML

[Isekai - High Fantasy]

The moment I saw that this year's writing contest's theme was the male POV, I knew I had to join. This novel was fueled by my hatred towards 2nd MLs (this will probably give you a hint about the plot)

And some trigger warning, there might be mentions and portrayal of child abuse. Please be advised as you read!

I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoy writing it!

Art by ZWART (@zwart_art)
Title logo by Nekogitan (@nekogitan)

[Isekai - High Fantasy]

The moment I saw that this year's writing contest's theme was the male POV, I knew I had to join. This novel was fueled by my hatred towards 2nd MLs (this will probably give you a hint about the plot)

And some trigger warning, there migh...

UpdatedJul 19, 2024
Writing StatusOngoing
Word Count35,870
Featured fan art of this novel.