In a world ravaged by monstrous Freaks, a disgraced mage, Hiroshi, and the crown princess, Linda, embark on a dangerous quest to reclaim her kingdom after the king vanished under mysterious circumstances, leaving her at the mercy of power-hungry nobles. With her fate hanging in the balance, Hiroshi becomes her unlikely ally, driven by his own painful past and a chance to right the wrongs of his shattered world. As they navigate treacherous landscapes and face formidable adversaries, their journey becomes a test of courage, loyalty, and the enduring power of love. Will Hiroshi and Linda's bond be enough to overcome the machinations of the nobility and restore peace to the kingdom of Valcrest? Prepare for an epic adventure brimming with magical prowess, heart-stopping danger, and the indomitable spirit of two heroes determined to reclaim their destinies.
[Isekai - High Fantasy]
Hi everyone, i hope you will like this novel and i can't wait to hear all your thoughts and feedback.
[Isekai - High Fantasy]
Hi everyone, i hope you will like this novel and i can't wait to hear all your thoughts and feedback.