
Shrunk by a bizarre twist of fate, Jack awakens in a world gone monstrous. Blades of grass loom like skyscrapers, dewdrops become bottomless lakes, and the rustle of leaves sounds like a hurricane. Here, amongst the roots and fallen petals, thrives a hidden civilization – miniature humans who have adapted to this colossal world.

Jack must navigate this unforgiving landscape, dodging oversized predators and the ever-present threat of being crushed. But survival isn't enough. He yearns to return to his normal size. Learning the ways of the miniature people, he seeks the answer to his predicament.

His journey takes him deeper into this hidden society, where whispers of a forgotten knowledge and a reason for his arrival begin to surface. However, a dark force lurks in this miniature world, one that benefits from keeping him small. As Jack delves deeper, the line between friend and foe blurs, forcing him to question who he can trust and why he was shrunk in the first place.

I want to thank everyone who read the book. Just like the others, I tried to do my best when I wrote it. And this is my favorite among them.

Explanation: -The book is currently being published in one volume, but I have big ideas for a sequel if there is a lot of interest from you. I also didn't want to make this volume unnecessarily long so as not to lose the originality of the story. Instead I wanted to end it at a logical place.

Love ASW

I want to thank everyone who read the book. Just like the others, I tried to do my best when I wrote it. And this is my favorite among them.

Explanation: -The book is currently being published in one volume, but I have big ideas for a sequel if there is a lot of i...

icon-views 1.1 K
May 02, 2024icon-views 31
Chapter 1: Sound Of Light
May 02, 2024icon-views 19
Chapter 2: Waking Up To A Strange World
May 02, 2024icon-views 19
Chapter 3: Nest In The Forest
May 02, 2024icon-views 17
Chapter 4: Rhino Beetle Swarm
May 03, 2024icon-views 17
Chapter 5: The Feared Scream
May 03, 2024icon-views 16
Chapter 6: Broken Trust
May 03, 2024icon-views 18
Chapter 7: Under The Stars
May 03, 2024icon-views 16
Chapter 8: Haunted By Past
May 03, 2024icon-views 18
Chapter 9: Oak Tree
May 03, 2024icon-views 17
Chapter 10: Buzzing Danger
May 03, 2024icon-views 15
Chapter 11: A Flight for Survival
May 03, 2024icon-views 16
Chapter 12: Hard Landing
May 03, 2024icon-views 17
Chapter 13: Whispers Of The Attic
May 03, 2024icon-views 17
Chapter 14: The Grip of Fear
May 03, 2024icon-views 15
Chapter 15: A Team Triumph
May 03, 2024icon-views 16
Chapter 16: Cornered by Vermin
May 03, 2024icon-views 17
Chapter 17: Lost in the Sewers
May 03, 2024icon-views 17
Chapter 18: Beyond the Glowing City
May 03, 2024icon-views 17
Chapter 19: Through The Sewer
May 03, 2024icon-views 17
Chapter 20: Insidious Attack
May 03, 2024icon-views 19
Chapter 21: The Rat Gang
May 03, 2024icon-views 16
Chapter 22: The New Plan
May 03, 2024icon-views 18
Chapter 23: A Car Robbery
May 03, 2024icon-views 17
Chapter 24: Escape From The Collector
May 03, 2024icon-views 15
Chapter 25: Race
May 03, 2024icon-views 16
Chapter 26: The Serpent's Feast
May 03, 2024icon-views 18
Chapter 27: Maot's Den
May 03, 2024icon-views 17
Chapter 28: Escape From The Trap
May 03, 2024icon-views 17
Chapter 29: Flight Of The Sparrows
May 03, 2024icon-views 18
Chapter 30: Defense Of The Rolliphs
May 03, 2024icon-views 17
Chapter 31: Consequences Of The Turmoil
May 03, 2024icon-views 16
Chapter 32: Breakout Under The Darkened Sky
May 03, 2024icon-views 17
Chapter 33: A Fight In The Venue
May 03, 2024icon-views 16
Chapter 34: Echoes Of A Lost Home
May 03, 2024icon-views 18
Chapter 35: The Butterfly Garden
May 03, 2024icon-views 17
Chapter 36: The Will Of The Excluded
May 03, 2024icon-views 16
Chapter 37: A Fork In The Road
May 03, 2024icon-views 14
Chapter 38: Engaged Duo
May 03, 2024icon-views 18
Chapter 39: Mayhem At The Concert
May 03, 2024icon-views 15
Chapter 40: Bat Trap
May 03, 2024icon-views 16
Chapter 41: Big Encounter
May 03, 2024icon-views 16
Chapter 42: A Father's Dilemma Of Fear
May 03, 2024icon-views 15
Chapter 43: Attack Of The Centipedes
May 03, 2024icon-views 14
Chapter 44: Daring Descent
May 03, 2024icon-views 17
Chapter 45: Guron Chasm
May 03, 2024icon-views 16
Chapter 46: Escape From The Chasm
May 03, 2024icon-views 18
Chapter 47: Bound By Chains, Freed By Wings
May 03, 2024icon-views 19
Chapter 48: A Race Against Time
May 03, 2024icon-views 14
Chapter 49: The Ant Tunnels
May 03, 2024icon-views 17
Chapter 50: The Fight That Shook The Ground
May 03, 2024icon-views 16
Chapter 51: Focus On The Cost Of Victory
May 03, 2024icon-views 16
Chapter 52: Luhon Tunnels
May 03, 2024icon-views 16
Chapter 53: The Price Of Hope
May 03, 2024icon-views 15
Chapter 54: A Reunion Marred By Loss
May 03, 2024icon-views 15
Chapter 55: On The Brink Of War
May 03, 2024icon-views 16
Chapter 56: The Battle Rages
May 03, 2024icon-views 15
Chapter 57: The Serpent's Challenge
May 03, 2024icon-views 17
Chapter 58: Raged
May 03, 2024icon-views 17
Chapter 59: The True Fight
May 03, 2024icon-views 15
Chapter 60: The Chosen Person, Jack S.
UpdatedMay 03, 2024
Writing StatusFinished
Word Count54,933
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