In the peaceful days of high school, Sora appears as a mysterious transfer student with a radiant yet otherworldly presence. With her pure heart and innocent curiosity, she charms her classmates, but there’s something hidden behind her gentle smile. Sora forms deep connections, especially with Yuuta, her caring and dependable friend, and their bond grows amidst the bittersweet moments of youth.
As Sora navigates the joys and challenges of teenage life, memories of another world haunt her. Can she fulfill the purpose of her existence, or is she destined for something beyond her grasp?
"Through laughter and tears, friendships and farewells, Sora's journey unfolds like a fleeting sky of memories."
Thank you for taking the time to read Sora no Kiseki. This story portrays the beauty and fragility of youth, as well as the preciousness of life, through the experiences of a mysterious girl named Sora. I hope you enjoy this journey as much as I enjoyed creating it. I would love to hear your thoughts and feelings about it.
Thank you for taking the time to read Sora no Kiseki. This story portrays the beauty and fragility of youth, as well as the preciousness of life, through the experiences of a mysterious girl named Sora. I hope you enjoy this journey as much as I enjoyed creating it. ...