In this Neo-Pulp Noir story, on the city planet in the Amaron star-system, Kitty Sugawara works as a local freelancer, a mercenary capable of any job (with exceptions). On an uneventful night, she is approached by the wife of a union leader to investigate the disappearance of her husband.
Hired as a private investigator, the case will take her high and low from the skies in her star-cruiser to the underground slums, not knowing this seemingly ordinary job will have her come face-to-face with the past.
Prompt: When the Clock Strikes Midnight
Theme(s): #Mystery #Crime #Suspense
My themes: #Mystery #Sci-Fi #Action
Prompt: When the Clock Strikes Midnight
Theme(s): #Mystery #Crime #Suspense
My themes: #Mystery #Sci-Fi #Action
Author | |
Genre | ActionAdventureMysterySci-FiCrime |
Updated | Apr 30, 2023 |
Chapters | 10 |
Writing Status | Ongoing |
Word Count | 42,377 |