Wonderful Time
Aug 10, 2021

The novel tells the story of Shoda Tsutomu, a 16 year old boy who only lives with his younger sister and brother on an apartment, he wishes to graduate from high school with plenty of good memories, new friends, new mentality, being a nicer person, and of course, have fun and having no regrets. Shoda will achieve this by overcoming his past, which consists of bad memories, bullying, shame, having regrets, and not having friends. Shoda has set clear his goal for his new high school he is attending, he will meet many people and live as if everyday is the last day of his life, he will learn what he was missing on all of his life, and will look forward everyday from now on. Will Shoda overcome his difficulties and past, being able to have a bright high school life and starting all over again?

Note from author

Prompt: Who needs plot
Theme(s): #Slice of life #School
My themes: #Work #Social

Prompt: Who needs plot
Theme(s): #Slice of life #School
My themes: #Work #Social


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