Arnold, a degenerate with little social skills outside of his deviance groups, finds his boundaries and life styles being tested as the girl of his dreams, Barbara Ravenfeather, appears before him as a fellow classmate. The only troubling part about this development though is that Barbara doesn't exist; she is his comfort character from the hit book series "Magic, Monsters, and the last Ravenfeather.
All people say that if the proper motivation or reward were to lay before them that they would act and take the chance, but not many are actually faced with that said opportunity arising. Sit back and enjoy as Arnold's favorite book series fades from existence and instead his comfort waifu manifests in the real world!
Howdy y'all, this is my entry for the little monthly challenge but maybe I will be updating it after that as well. We'll see. Trying out a bunch of things with this story so mind some mistakes, but more importantly: Enjoy.
Howdy y'all, this is my entry for the little monthly challenge but maybe I will be updating it after that as well. We'll see. Trying out a bunch of things with this story so mind some mistakes, but more importantly: Enjoy.