Root Access
6.5 K
Aug 30, 2022

Data is the most valuable resource of the 21st century and whoever controls it, controls the world.
Isato Kanaoka is a student in his sophomore year of junior high school. He always liked video games and computers in general. Through a challenge of his teacher, he even started with hacking and programming and soon developed a deep passion for it. As the next year peaks around the corner and his time in junior high slowly comes to an end, he finally decides to apply at the most renowned senior high school for IT security in whole Japan.
However, he would have never guessed how close and real the dangers were, he was getting involved in and that swimming free from the creeping grip at his feet would take much more skill and power then he alone could muster. It is yet to be found out, whether he will swim and find the person he once lost or if he will get sucked to the ground and drown in the sea of ones and zeroes.

[Full Names are written in the order <first name> <last name>]

Note from author

Hey there!
With “Root Access” I have the ambition to keep the portrayal of hacking and programming as close to reality as possible while still bending the rules a bit to keep it an entertaining work of fiction – even if you have no idea about the topics. If you are intimidated by the possible complexity, just read the first chapter: It is an accumulation of what you can expect throughout the whole novel.
Constructive feedback of any kind is always highly appreciated! 😊
This is my entry for the MAL x HF Writing Contest 2022 for the Prompt Board “School”. Good success to all other participants! Even though I won’t have much time to spare, I’ll try to look at a few of your novels as well and leave my thoughts there!

Hey there!
With “Root Access” I have the ambition to keep the portrayal of hacking and programming as close to reality as possible while still bending the rules a bit to keep it an entertaining work of fiction – even if you have no idea about the topics. If you are ...


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