Kamishiro Haruki is a first-year student at Daisen High, a musician born with perfect pitch and Moriyama Natsumi is a first-year student at Daisen High, an acting child prodigy. These two lives intertwined when Curtain Call Acting Agency was coming to watch the Daisen's High upcoming school production - The Snow Country
"I want to dye the world in my colour."
The words said by two First Year High schoolers as they chase their dreams.
Big credits to my illustrator who wasn't just my illustrator, but my editor and my friend and the person behind this work who without it, I wouldn't be here.
Illustrator: Kan https://www.honeyfeed.fm/u/16459
Big credits to my illustrator who wasn't just my illustrator, but my editor and my friend and the person behind this work who without it, I wouldn't be here.
Illustrator: Kan https://www.honeyfeed.fm/u/16459