There's a Magical Girl in town! Deep in the Andalusian countryside lies the village of Carcabuey. Enter Olivia, a very special person with a very special Magical Girl form. Having escaped from the bustle of Madrid, she finds that escaping from the annoyances she fled from won't be so easy: Fro...
In a futuristic world of towering cities and groundbreaking technology, reclusive freelance designer Riku Nakamura’s life takes an unexpected turn when he becomes the caretaker of LUNA, a state-of-the-art robotic companion with a mind as sharp as her algorithms. What begins as an awkward partners...
In an alternate world where the Roman Empire never fell, Rome reigns supreme in AD 1924, with steam-powered warships and eterium—a powerful energy source—fueling its dominance. But reliance on this energy has awakened the Shadows, ancient forces that feed on fear, ambition, and Rome’s buried past...
In the Avalyne Empire, there is only one way to achieve greatness: exhibition matches. Those who possess the power to bestow god-given gifts known as Crests stand tall and proud as nobles, supporting their knights who wade into battle for the sake of glory, victory, and honor. Knights and nobles ...
The group ventured to the research center on a tip-off, eager to uncover valuable information. What they expected to find, however, was nothing like what awaited them. The center, once a place of scientific innovation, now harbored secrets far darker and more dangerous than they could have imagin...
In Neo-Tokyo's peaceful future, citizens share dreams through the DreamLink network, creating a harmonious utopia. But when Aria’s dreams are invaded by visions of destruction, an unseen darkness begins to spread, threatening the city’s delicate balance. Teaming up with Takumi, a DreamHub securit...
In a gripping tale of survival and unintended consequences, Atsushi Tanaka, a brilliant but emotionally drained surgeon from 2049 Tokyo, is thrust into a primitive past after an enigmatic device malfunctions. Captured by a tribal community, his advanced medical knowledge earns their trust and res...
In a dystopian future where brain-embedded chips govern access to information and power, society is fractured between the elite with advanced enhancements and the oppressed relying on outdated technology. Henry, a young inventor with a rudimentary chip, becomes a symbol of rebellion after a light...
Tai loves J-rock and Visual-kei, so much so that he spent 10 years saving to go to Japan, forgetting that fashion and music change in time... when you lose the first thing you love, sometimes you need someone to help you through it, and try not to fall in love again~
In a world suspended outside of time, five of history’s greatest warriors—Miyamoto Musashi, Joan of Arc, Spartacus, Genghis Khan, and Alexander the Great—are summoned to the Eternals’ Arena. Trapped in a labyrinth that tests both their physical prowess and inner strength, they must navigate a ser...