
registered at: Nov 07, 2017



No Achievement

Dec 24, 2017

It seems that I'm not the only one keeping a close eye on all this craziness. It seems that at this point Lucas has taken an actual first step towards providing for his own defense against the Renegades rather than rely on Rio, even if it was only a little. I read how you used the journal so that readers will be able investigate alongside him. We'd also be investigating alongside Rio since she actually has more to learn; she just has a big head start on Lucas.
When I read how Rio began to stagger after Lucas said she was beautiful, I thought it was because she realized that he was actually not afraid of her, or at least, he could speak to her honestly without fear. Then, I read that beyond her parents and sister, a total of THREE people, Lucas is the only other person who called Rio beautiful. She's actually getting closer to someone new, and it's begun to frighten her, even if it may only be for a single night, since, in a matter of hours, it'll be business as usual.
P.S. I read when Lucas said that he began to sound like Davis. I think he should give himself a bit more credit than that, since, after all, he's still going, and he's still thinking and acting rationally. Also, I saw that Lucas merely placed the repurposed diary back in its place, but he hasn't locked it yet. Something tells me that that diary may become a point of contention between Rio and Lucas later, and not just because Lucas says his deep thoughts about Rio in there.

Volume 1 Cover
Parable of the Renegades [BETA Version]

Dec 24, 2017

Well then, I can certainly see why you called this chapter "Miscalculation", seeing as how Lucas just warded off his chief source of support on comprehending Renegades. Whether or not spending a night in the same bed as Rio will be another mistake is yet to be seen. Also, I saw just what happened to Davis in the end. Guess he isn't going to forget Rio, or the lie she told him anytime soon, much to Lucas's dismay. Although, at least, he won't be able to translate Rio's secret, heaven forbid. And even if he did, he at least won't be cursed like Lucas, right? Right?
Well, anyway, back to the topic of laid-back chapters versus action chapters. In both this chapter and the previous one, I've seen a lot of discussion on balancing comedy with dark themes and situations. The way I see it, you've done a great job on that by mixing darker situations with comedy, kind of like cartoons made for adults. Here, things are still kind of on the verge of going to heck for Lucas, but readers can still feel some whimsy, even just a little. It reminds me of how I thought about these more cheerful moments in the story compared to others. For me, this chapter was not very laid-back, as it calls back to the reason Rio and Lucas are in the same house in the first place: combating mutants as part of a supernatural contract in which Rio is in total control, or rather in near-total control, since her Laws are always active. Lucas got reminded of that the hard way. That's why I feel the last chapter was the most laid-back. Except for 2 reminders of the Renegade issue in Lucas's life, much of it was just Lucas salvaging the chaotic day he just had, without much fear or need for his fists.
To close this off, I'd like to say again how well you put together the more ordinary parts of these characters lives. Reading about Lucas cooking and Rio eating, and, at the same time fantasizing, was quite special and a pleasant surprise. To close off this comment, I say, once more: this story's amazing, and I sincerely hope it stays that way.
P.S. I kind of feel that despite all of the dark overtones, Davis is seemingly the safest character in this story, and not just because he's comic relief. He has no reason to fight or oppose anyone right now, he's on good terms with everyone he's interacted with here so far, minus possibly Rio and maybe even Lucas, and he doesn't seem to have a dark history behind him. Unless...that will be revealed at a later time?

Volume 1 Cover
Parable of the Renegades [BETA Version]

Dec 24, 2017

And so, another great chapter comes to its inevitable end. Sorry if this sounds a little dark, but, it's true, every chapter of a story has an ending, and I don't mean when a story ends on a "the main cast will have adventures you won't see" note.
Anyway, back to the matter at hand. This seems like the most laid-back chapter I've read yet in this story. Even compared to the other moments of rest, I.e., Lucas and Rea sharing a bath, Rio going out for a day on the beach, Lucas sharing a late dinner with Rio and Yakumo, I feel that this is laid-back in a sense of the people. True, this chapter had some strong moments of contention, like Davis posting Lucas's fight under his own name, Rio holding Lucas in a deadly hold, and Davis assaulting a lamppost, it just feels it a bit more relaxed. Except for the video, and possibly Viola, Rio, Lucas, and Davis don't have much of a reason to stay on the defensive, and for a moment, seemed like they almost all had fun with together.
By the way, I caught how Rio said she was developing respect Lucas, emphasis on "was" considering how she met Davis and how she used Lucas as a scapegoat. AGAIN.
When I was reading the other comments, I saw how many of the people here were referring to this as an "SoL" type of chapter. Would you mind telling me what the abbreviation for that is, relating to this story?
Finally, I'd like to say, this chapter really helped to remind me how these people, even though they have some dangerous qualities, even Davis, they're still teenagers with things in common. They help provide for their respective families, they like having fun once in a while, their interests can be somewhat...disconcerting, and they all have, as I said before, dangerous sides to them. Once again, with this long comment, I say, keep up the good work!
P.S. I wonder why Lucas isn't trying to keep Davis from accidentally killing himself on the lamppost. Maybe I haven't read that part yet, but still. Rio, meanwhile, is probably wondering, "Perhaps he'll hit himself so much, he'll forget ever meeting me. Then Lucas could breathe a little bit easier around me. Even just a little."

Volume 1 Cover
Parable of the Renegades [BETA Version]

Dec 03, 2017

Now I'm questioning why I haven't been reading this lately. It looks like there's plenty more I'm still able to read, and admittedly, it's been a while since I've read from this powerful piece at all. Very quickly, before I forget, it was really surprising that Lucas managed to stitch together his own numerous wounds, amateur work or not. Am I to assume that he's learned a bit about such procedures from Rea, either directly or indirectly? I was also intrigued by how it turns out that Fenris actually helped instigate the war against the one-man army known as Lucas Thorne. In the chapter where that happened, I reasoned that Lucas may have actually exerted some form of abilities as a Renegade, and then you corrected me that all his actions were due to his ability as a human, and how Lucas as a Renegade remains a point of contention. That's something I kind of want to avoid in the future: placing my thoughts on all of the craziness of the story on Renegade intervention. When I place all my focus on Renegades, it kind of pulls me away from the regular people of this story and how they fit into it. I want to ask: Was that something you had trouble with when you were writing this story's? Mixing the powers of the Renegades with the abilities and lifestyles of ordinary humans? You're really amazing at doing so, so I can tell the work that went into doing so, but how difficult was it?
Moving on from there, I really liked the introduction of Soren Faust. That name, though, Faust, gives me a dark feeling about him. Something tells me that he's not one to mess with at all, at work or otherwise. Still, it kind of stuck out about his hairstyle and how you described it. It must help add to how he can be recognized. However, when you described how his voice sounded, like "audible butter and chocolate", the feeling kind of reminded me of Rio, and how her Influence actually affects other people. Whether or not Soren has something similar or just mastered sweet talking is up for debate, but it did catch my thoughts for a second. Also, about the guy Lucas talked to, that situation really called out to my memory. I read how you wanted to incorporate details from action-adventure stories how, and that little scenario: the big guy buries the hatchet with the protagonist after the end of a fight, that's a true classic. It was also more realistic in how Lucas still had some tension with the student, considering what happened between them. Needless to say, that quick burst of kindness just bit him back a little, according to the end of the chapter. Anyway, just as I've said before: you've done an exemplary job with this story, and I hope to read even more of it. Thank you so very much!
P.S. When I read the interaction between Lucas and Viola, it reminded me of something you told me about the bond between them. Initially, I claimed that there was nothing romantic about it, but now I see that Lucas kind of wants it to be more than just being friends and that being cousins may put a damper on that. Then again, Davis was the one who was concerned about Viola's affection, so I feel that at some point, Lucas may have to break some bad news to him. A pity, as Davis was so ecstatic about hearing that Lucas and Viola were cousins before and that Viola's single. Sorry, Davis.

Volume 1 Cover
Parable of the Renegades [BETA Version]

Nov 13, 2017

Looks like I can paint a near complete picture of Lucas and Rio as characters in this story. I have to say, I wasn't expecting to learn so much about Rio this early on in the story. The first Renegade enemy that was introduced, Fenris, isn't even dead yet! Still, it was quite extraordinary, seeing this development of Rio Kiyodera. If only she knew how similar her upbringing actually is to that of Lucas. That would begin to start something in her. Also, I saw what you said about Renegades being able to do something in their true form rather than in disguise. In the prologue, the very first Renegade only destroyed the aircraft after transforming, and you wrote that there was a white glow on his arm. Perhaps transforming allows others to recognize how some of a Renegade's powers take shape, rather than just the invisible sphere of Influence. On the topic of this transformation, maybe that what's Fenris has been doing all along as a result of his power. Maybe he's starting to lose his humanity completely, even if it is a gradual process. Also, I have to ask, could the progression of a Renegade's power be shown by their true appearance. In the prologue, that man's true for, was described as quite demonic. For Fenris, his arm is dissolving, and for Rio, well, I don't know exactly for Rio, but you wrote how her running had broken the sound barrier. Perhaps, since Rio is still young, her true form may not appear as distorted as the adult male who went public with his powers. Okay, I've said a whole lot, and I have work to do. On that note, I hope to hear from you again, and I hope to continue this story momentarily. Thank you so very much.

Volume 1 Cover
Parable of the Renegades [BETA Version]