Maela 3st

Maela 3st

registered at: Oct 06, 2022
  • Author
  • Achievement
    Novel Cover Upload Level 1
    Time(Daily access) Level 2

    Hey there, thanks for checking in! I...wanted to change the world, and to do so, I'll work hard to get an adaptation! lightspeed~
    Novelist ✦ Singer and Producer ✦ Isekai Enthusiast ✦ 26/M
    I am trying to write something :). 26/Poland/ISFJ Nice to meet you!
    Someone who loves to write.
    Just a novice writer having some fun. Checkout my website: OSCIANSTAR.COM
    I want to write about things a love but I am a nobody. You know what that means? I got nothing to lose!
    Yo. I write crap for fun.
    Your Friendly Neighborhood Cuddle-Fish.
    trying to do too many things at the same time. doing my best despite the long work hours. :) aspiring to write stories that people enjoy.
    I'm scared of staircases.
    Doctor in Computer Engineering based in Spain with a passion for writing.
    Writing is my life-long therapy...
    Amateur Author, Proofreader and Programmer Indefinite Hiatus (will back in 2024, maybe) Nickname : Natsuki and Natius Discord : natius
    It/Itself. I primarily write supernatural mlm romance.
    I'm a Webnovel Author who just found this platform. Glad to be here.
    A passionate game enthusiast who like to design game concepts, and story-writing at the same time. Loves writing engaging stories or serious, slow and interconnecting stories. For hire.
    I like stories with great worlds, engaging characters and a whole lotta feelings.