In the continuation of "A boring life at school but maybe....", Alex embarks on a transformative journey as a sophomore at BORNEO-SIGMA College High School. As he navigates the challenges of a new school lifestyle, he begins to unravel a series of astonishing truths about his background and histo...
Alex a boy that used to live in USA suddenly return home to Malaysia. Different cultures and styles of learning. He is going to face new challenges in life during in school. He is a former gang member in USA. Starting from zero in Malaysia going to an Elite School in Malaysia. How will our boy ...
As an average loser in school, he is also invisible to his classmates, and when all the students in Borneo High School suddenly travel to another world, he is still the weakest and average student. He now has to survive in this strange new world, but he soon discovers that he is not as weak as he...
“A legend of that told where love bound neither to the boundaries of the worldly. Love could led to lust, sadness, despair, conflict and greed yet it also brings light, warmth, care, and togetherness including understanding.“ Gaia is a world that been called by inhabitants of the this world that...