

I really like cats

registered at: Dec 14, 2022
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    Thumbs up Level 2
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    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2023

    Real Name - D. C. Priest Aspiring author from England Feel free to contact me on Discord: TheGrompPapa#7575 https://www.instagram.com/thegrompfather/
    I usually read back as a courtesy but if you're gonna read JUST so I return the favor, heed my warning: I won't apparently my writing style is too avant-garde for the weebs or some shit but if you ask me that's just a polite way to tell me I have terminal skill issue
    ~ minatika ~ she/her I use too many emojis 👍 Offline // Focusing on personal life I'm currently working with an Agency to publish my writing! ❤️ #FollowingTheDream #NextStopBookstores
    I love foggy autumn nights and everything mythical in this world. Join me here in my stories!
    I write for self indulgence c:
    I'm just here to support the dear people I've met. Due to the sarcasm hurled at me by the moderator when I dared to enter Discord and the malicious criticism she levelled at my story, as well as the lack of response from the platform when I reported her harassment, I don't write or publish anything here. There are other fish in the tank, and I'm not going to waste my time with toxic people.
    I'm a writer of romance and fantasy. You can find different worlds in my profile, I hope you like them. I accept recommendations! You can send them at any time, I'll check them out when I have some time.