

E&E Engineering 2nd year student.

With the help of ADHD, I'm eager to bring to life many scenarios that form in my mind.

Discord: napryzon

registered at: Jun 20, 2023
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    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2023

    ~ minatika ~ she/her I use too many emojis 👍 Offline // Focusing on personal life I'm currently working with an Agency to publish my writing! ❤️ #FollowingTheDream #NextStopBookstores
    Hi fellow viewers! This is Animnade, the creator of wonderful series like StarSpace, Candiere's Cafe, Voltaze, Raceblazers, and so much more! We make original content featuring a wide variety of characters within what we call The Animnade Omniverse. It is going to be an extremely large project to put together, so I look forward to seeing it come to life! We hope you enjoy what we have to offer as we focus on original storytelling to make our characters and the places they will visit to be both immersive and engaging.