In a world suspended outside of time, five of history’s greatest warriors—Miyamoto Musashi, Joan of Arc, Spartacus, Genghis Khan, and Alexander the Great—are summoned to the Eternals’ Arena. Trapped in a labyrinth that tests both their physical prowess and inner strength, they must navigate a ser...
In the near future, Theo leads the world’s most ambitious project—ChronoNet, a temporal network designed to send messages into the past and rewrite history. The goal: prevent wars, erase disasters, and create a flawless future for humanity. But the first transmission goes wrong. Instead of fixing...
"Sunflower Seeds" is a poignant tale of two souls, bound by music and silenced by their own struggles. The story unfolds on a scorching summer day in August, as the protagonist encounters a vivacious girl with bright blue eyes and a passion for creating music. United by their love for melodies, t...
An ethereal angel, traverses the vast sea for years, captivating the imaginations of those who witness her. Her presence is both feared and revered, seen as a harbinger of doom and a symbol of grace. Through wars, encounters with sea creatures, and contemplative moments with birds, she grapples w...