In a world where power comes from the stars and ambition is fueled by fame, Jin-Seong is a lone warrior navigating the dangerous balance between Celestial Essence and Heroic Qi. As a member of the Azure Peak Sect, he is burdened by his past and driven by the desire to protect those he cares about...
In the once-glorious Azure Peak Sect, a young disciple named Lian Qing awakens from a coma to find his sect in ruins, betrayed by its own members. Fueled by a burning desire for revenge and a determination to rebuild the sect, Lian Qing sets out on a perilous journey. As he gathers talented di...
A tale of friendship, rivalry, and redemption set in ancient China. Jin Cheo and Jheong Cheo, once inseparable orphans, train together at the Wudang Sect to become powerful martial artists. However, their paths diverge when Jheong Cheo, consumed by envy and bitterness, leaves the sect to join ...