Hey! I'm the Creator of Grand Adventure (G.A), which is the brand Name for all my Light Novels. All my stories, no matter what genre all take place in the same universe, sorta like Marvel and Dc.
My goal is to expand my brand and fill it with many different stories from many different people! I'm okay with any genre as the lore of my universe is very open!
Yoh! My name is Ken Granfold. I was raised on a dangerous island known as Zen, I was raised by my grandpa August, who is a powerful wizard….buttt as grandma says, his irresponsible and isn't fit to look after me. Now that I'm 17, I've finally been let off the island, and I've been enrolled in "El...
Helloooo everyone! Welcome to my one shots! Here I'll be posting stories I've written but dropped, or one chapter stories that I've written and look to continue in the future. All the stories posted here are owned by me, and if you find a story interesting please say so, it might just motivat...