Nol Mimi Reyalta

Nol Mimi Reyalta

registered at: Jul 04, 2021
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    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2021

    Aug 27, 2021

    To:Deleted User

    Probably not that off since bloodborne and dark souls and demon souls are pretty heavily based on Lovecraft (the father of eldritch abomination horror). In fact, bloodborne is one of Lovecraft's stories except retold as a game. I suspect dark souls and demon souls as well, but I haven't figured exactly which novel.

    Tulu is a very fun character to write about, but very hard as well to write as a main character. Characters with too much power are very hard to write about from a main character perspective because they can do anything already, which means you can't use the hero's journey or other basic guidelines. In her case, a casual punch can wipe out mountains with ease, which is why she primarily copies her enemy attacks so that she can try to use the same level of power as her opponents (although her attacks are all inherently stronger as she can't control it well. When you can destroy entire universes at whim, trying to destroy just a single target is actually surprisingly hard! Imagine your only weapon is a flamethrower that also fires anti-planet missiles when you press the trigger. Now imagine trying to kill an ant and only a single ant with that. Would be pretty hard, right? Even if you remove the missile part, trying to only harm a single ant with a flamethrower is pretty hard, you'd probably scorch the surroundings as well unless you were extremely skilled with it. That is basically Tulu.)

    This is why characters like Tulu are delegated to a role as a final boss or hidden boss in games or as some sort of relatively non-interacting character that is just there. Once they interact, everything is doomed.

    When I came up with Tulu, I had in mind a sort of entity that is so complicated that the mind would go insane just trying to comprehend it. So powerful that even the world warps upon seeing her true form. Then I imagined that if such an entity existed, it would probably be bored with nothing to do. I also wanted her to feel very childish and innocent at the same time. So I came up with this idea that Tulu would be using a sort of avatar that she controls remotely. It is still a part of her, but only a small part.

    Oh, and her real body isn't really horrific, it is actually very beautiful, but it would be like trying to imagine nothing. Like, imagine a world of nothing where not even black or white exists. True nothingness. Basically impossible for a normal human to imagine. Looking at Tulu is similar in that her real body isn't something a human or even normal reality can comprehend, so it fries itself trying to comprehend what it is experiencing.

    Tulu Cover
    The Calamity Arrives, A World Without Hope