Huracán, Argentina, Writing, in that order. Aiming to write the first latin-american novel in Japan.
If you smiled while reading my works, I won 😊
Find me on Instagram! @shuloxwrites
Just your friendly neighborhood skeleton who likes to write stories. 💀
Current Novel:
-Food Truck in Space
Ongoing Novels:
-The Skeleton & The Idiot Sorceress. (On hiatus for a while - high likelihood I will be doing a full rewrite from the beginning at some point.)
Finished Novels:
-Pandora's Box
Short Stories:
-Into the Sunset
Check out my socials that I rarely ever use.👇
Instagram: @skeletonidiot
~ minatika ~
I use too many emojis 👍
Offline // Focusing on personal life
I'm currently working with an Agency to publish my writing! ❤️ #FollowingTheDream #NextStopBookstores
I draw fantasy maps sometimes. If you ask nicely, maybe I'll draw you one :3
I like to call myself a world builder, and if you like deep hidden lore and expansive worlds, maybe you'll like my stories. I'm still very new to storytelling. I'm learning a lot writing whichever story I'm working on right now and I'll read your story back if you follow or give my story a like or comment :D
Current Project(s):
@craftable on Discord if you wanna contact me, dms are open and please tell me you're from Honeyfeed instead of just adding me as friend without saying anything.