

Beats Wattpad, Am I Right? Hehe

I Eventually Will Put A Novel On Here, Maybe Even Finish It! For Now I Just Wanna Read Other People's Stories Cuz I Like Reading About People's Passions Put Into Paper

registered at: Jul 20, 2021

No Achievement

A self-published author of "The Guardian of Hope." Drafts available, up until Chapter 28~ Links below for the paperback and ebook~ Follow me on IG: erii1776 Find me on Discord: Erii#5151
Heya. I’m Arufa. (No correlation to the main character in Parallel in Two.) I’m also C.T. Kimbrough, but most people knew me as Arufa and that will never change. I write (inconsistently) and draw (inconsistently). My life can be characterized as a series of misfortunate inconsistencies. My latest inconsistency is Parallel in Two, my first MALxHF novel. I’m finally old enough to participate. I do all my own cover art. :)
Your average author hoping to get reviews on his work. Please follow back and stay tune for more chapters! Any feedback is great feedback! Underground author just out here creating, and trying to get works out. Instagram: @hellenestorian YouTube: Hellenstorian
15 year old, like anime made a light novel. Simple as that.
Just trying to make stories. Feel free to give them a read and leave a comment, thank you.