Chapter 8:

"Weaving a Story," Part III: "Bonds"

Angel of the Strait

August 10th of 1998, it’s early in the morning, exactly one day since the death of Lavernius by Aaron. Aaron and Johnny are in front of a Bank of America. The two are wearing black ominous outfits that cover everything but their heads. They wear gloves and long sleeves that show little skin. Aaron wanted to show Johnny a little bit about bank robbery before they hit their big score. Aaron thought to himself that the kid needs to feel more confident about it.

“There are many details you need to concern yourself with during a bank job. Nowadays there’s all sorts of alarm technologies, however not all banks are updated yet. Still, you need to know how a bank works, what happens in a bank, where everything is, and where everyone is. Be careful what you say, and be quick with what you do. Never say someone’s name, never speak in your normal tone of voice, try to show as little skin as possible, and above all never show your face.” Aaron looks at Johnny who seems quite worried, “Don’t worry kid, it’s not as difficult as it seems. You just have to hit it at the right time. Now since you will be doing crowd control, I want to practice just that. Clear that throat of yours, you will be using it a lot.”

“What do I say to the crowd?” Johnny asks.

“Well honestly, just yell at them to stay quiet and don’t do anything at all. Remember, you have the gun, so be stiff with how you handle people. Don’t try to hurt anybody though, you do that and you’ll be in big fucking trouble. Tell everyone to either get on the ground or line up against a wall. After the initial yelling is done and people are calmed down, just watch everyone, any sudden movements you see, give them a stern warning, and if they proceed that’s when you can fire a warning shot at them. If they keep going, then you might have to end their life.” Aaron is very serious about what he says, both of them know they don’t want to take another person’s life.

After Aaron preps Johnny, he moves the car to the side of the bank to be more discreet. Johnny takes some deep breaths and Aaron concludes their plan, “Alright Johnny, it’s simple, there are two guards, one in the front, one in the back, we’ll go through both entrances and subdue both guards at the same time. You will go toward the back, I will go toward the front. I want you to point your gun at the guard and if you can, smack him with it and get him on the ground.” Aaron explains and the two of them put on masks and hastily exit the car.

They open the trunk to reveal two duffle bags, a rifle, and a shotgun. Johnny takes a duffle bag and the shotgun while Aaron takes the other duffle bag and the rifle, the two separate to head to they’re starting points. In matters of seconds, both enter the bank at the same time, Aaron gives a violent smack with the butt of his rifle to the first guard.

Aaron immediately points at the employees behind the counter, “Stick your fuckings hands up, if I catch one of you pressing a button I will kill everyone here!” He shouts with great seriousness and intimidation.

Johnny on the other hand gets the second guard to drop his weapon and he takes it from him, after having that guard stand against the wall, “Everyone! Lay on the ground right now!” Johnny demands with insane volume, he pushes some people to show his assertiveness and everyone puts their head down without much screaming. People shiver in fear and Johnny randomly points his gun at people to intimidate.

Aaron bangs on the door that leads behind the counter, “Open the door!” He demands, but the employees stay stiff. He then points his gun at a nearby person, “Open the door now!” He demands once more and one employee presses the button to open the door. Aaron violently kicks the door open as it unlocks. “Everyone, line up against the wall!” All the employees quickly do as they’re told, “Who’s the manager?!” Aaron asks aggressively, and one guy points at himself. Aaron immediately grabs him and has him open the door into the backroom where the money is. While in the backroom the manager opens a cabinet filled with cash, “No dye packs!” Aaron threatens the manager and then drops his duffle bag open on the floor, “I’m going to watch you put the money in, if I spot anything suspicious I will kill you right here.” Aaron points his gun at the manager while the manager quickly begins to fill the back with money.

Back with the crowd, Johnny notices an elderly woman struggling to breathe, “If you have any medical problems, heart complications, or feel sick, you can stand if that will help!” Johnny shouts to the crowd, and he witnesses the elderly woman try to get up. After a few seconds of seeing her have difficulty, he helps her up while keeping his eye on everyone else. He then checks on the employees and switches between employees and the crowd.

After a few minutes, Aaron rushes out from behind the counter, “We are clear,” He says to Johnny, “thank you ladies and gentlemen for your cooperation, we will now be exiting. Goodbye.” Aaron shouts at the crowd.

The two then immediately ran out of the building and into the car they parked on the side of the bank. Once in the car, Aaron takes off his mask and Johnny does the same. Aaron lets out a large laughter and pats Johnny on the chest causing Johnny to break out a smile.

“Oh many kid, you did fucking fantastic. No offense, but I was expecting you to choke since it was your first time.” Aaron praises Johnny, “Holy shit that was a flawless performance. You almost were a professional back there.” Johnny then helps throw Aaron’s rifle and his own shotgun along with the money in the backseat.

Johnny then spoke with amazement, “I don’t know, it just felt nice to be in control back there for once. This whole thing was a rush that I never experienced before.” Just as Johnny said those words, police sirens are heard in the background.

“Make sure to throw everything behind the seat, including your gloves. Just look as cool as possible if a cop car comes by.” Aaron breaks Johnny’s excitement for a split moment. Johnny throws his gloves to the backseat followed by Aaron. Aaron puts on a pair of sunglasses and begins to drive slower.

“Do you think we’ll get away with this?” Johnny asks.

“So far, it doesn’t seem that either of us made any major mistakes. I think we’ll be good.” Aaron then brings his smile back and looks Johnny in the eye, allowing Johnny to share a smile as well. Aaron places his left hand on Johnny’s right shoulder and lightly grasps it in a fatherly manner, “You know Johnny, I heard about your debt to Santiago, Leon told me.” Aaron states, “I don’t know exactly how much we took but it is bound to be way more than three hundred dollars.” Aaron said with enthusiasm.

“Yeah it probably is enough to pay off my debt.” Johnny says almost solemnly with the realization that the bigger job is now unnecessary.

Aaron then changes his tone and leans over to Johnny a tad bit, “Would you still want to do the other job?” Aaron inquires more seriously.

Johnny then takes a moment to think about the question, after a minute his face lights up, “I still want to do the other job.” Johnny states firmly.

Aaron gives Johnny a surprised look, “How come?” He asks with great interest.

“It’s not just for the money anymore, it’s to help Leon and to help my friend Jaredicus.” Johnny explains, “If it means helping my friend, then I will risk my life and do the best I can.” Johnny brings a smile to Aaron.

“Well kid, you are honorable I will give you that.” Aaron returns his eyes to the road in front of him, “Once we find out how much money we have, I’m going to give you fifty percent of it.” Aaron tells Johnny.

Johnny lights up with more excitement than earlier, “Holy shit no way?!” Johnny expresses with disbelief.

“Yes way, you earned it kid and I know you mean well. Don’t go spending it on drugs now.” Aaron continues to say with a smile.

“I won’t.” Johnny happily agrees, “Thanks so much man.”

“It’s no problem,” Aaron wipes his forehead and chuckles a little bit, “Hey kid do you want to grab some breakfast or something? I know this place my father used to take me as a kid, wonderful mom and pops diner.” Aaron asks Johnny.

“Sure thing.” Johnny replies with happiness. After a short pause Johnny speaks again, “Hey so...what was your first robbery like?”