Chapter 30:

Chapter 30 [Blood and Viscera]


Climbing the stair toward the bridge, I can feel my heart beating fast, excited on the slaughter I about to unleash, I can't stop myself from laughing inside my helmet about the coming event that gonna happen.

The sound of multiple footsteps hitting the metal deck can be heard coming toward me, down the stair. I turn toward the door exiting the stair on the second floor.

I look around and saw what I'm looking for, Grabbing the fire extinguisher then I brought it with me to the stair and place it at the edge of the stair.

I stand overlooking the bottom floor then I check the chamber of the shotgun, making sure that the shotgun is loaded. 

"They are coming, why are you just standing there?" Cindy ask.

"I'm waiting," I said.

"Waiting for the enemy, shouldn't you run away from them?" Cindy ask.

"That not my style," I said.

I start humming a song under my helmet, I closed my eyes and wait. The footstep getting closer and I open my eyes again.

Multiple men stood at the bottom stair; all of them pointed their weapons at me. I kick the fire extinguishers down and bullet starts flying toward me, I aim my shotgun at the fire extinguisher and squeeze the trigger causing the puff of white smoke to come out, blinding the man in thick white smoke.

I dash downward toward the men beneath the stair then I take out a combat knife with my left hand while my right hand holding the shotguns.

"Thermal vision now,"I said, my sight change to thermal vision.

An outline begins to form on my sight and becoming a shape of men, I can see the red glowing body in the thick white smoke. Panic soon arrive in the midst of men as I slit one their throats and fire another.

It only took one shot to kill all them, I duck under as the bullet flies widely toward all direction, the gunshot continues until only one person left, I sit on the step of the stair; humming a song.

"thermal vision off," I said and my screen turns normal again.

The white smoke finally clear, the last man was shocked that all his friends were dead then he turned his body to me.

"What happen?!" the man asked.

"I only shot one guy and slit another, you guys did the rest" I praised.

I continue my humming while tapping my foot on the step.

"How could you be happy right now?!" the man shocked.

"Because I been chain down for almost three years and today he finally releases, so I haven't had this much fun in ages," I said.

"fun? FUN!? YOU JUST KILL ALL MY FRIENDS!" the man said.

The man aims his AK-47 at me, the assault rifle made a clicking noise, I let out of laugh so loud that it echoes in the stair.

I slide the shotgun loading the next shell and aim the barrel toward the man, the man eyes widened and he throws his assault rifle down then raise his hand up in the air.

"I have a family, Please" he pleaded.

"So do I," I said then squeeze the trigger, a blast came out from the barrel carrying the bullet toward the man.

A hole appeared where the face should have been, brain matter splatter on the wall behind him, his body falls limp on the floor.

I slide the shotgun again; loading the next shot after putting a few more shell underneath.

"Only five left," Cindy said.

"well that disappointing, I thought they would give me more of a challenge," I said.

"Haru, are you sure you okay? you don't sound like the usual you" Cindy asks worriedly.

"I'm not him,"I said.

"Shit we got no time to talk about this, you need to keep moving up that where the target is," Cindy said.

reaching upstair wasn't that easy that easy because of there is a few more men inside the hallway and the room that I had to kill before reaching the top.

In front of me is the door to the bridge.

"Be careful all of them is aiming at the door you about to enter" Cindy warned

I grunt I turn the valve; opening the lock for the door. I took a couple step backward, I then rush forward to the door at the last minute I slam it open.

I immediately roll on the ground avoiding most of the bullet, then I stand up again heading toward one the man. 

The moment I get close to him; I kick his assault rifle upward and hold his body as a meat shield. the men I use was riddle by the bullet that was aimed at me.

"DIE!" one of the men shout.

"Rider the target is escaping on another route," Cindy said.

I push the body to a control panel where I can use as cover, I push the dead bodies away. and load the next shell in my shotgun.

I peek on left of me and took a shot at the man leg, the man cried in pain as his leg was torn off, I roll my body taking out my handgun and precisely aim toward another man head, I managed to take out two of them.

Before I was pushed down by a large man and causing me to drop my handgun, I bring my shotgun forward but the large man holds the barrel of shotgun preventing me from shooting me.

I grunt in frustration as this man use his weight to lock me down. I let go of the barrel and it falls on the ground; I squeeze the trigger and the shotgun recoil causing the man to slip his hand, that moment I grab my knife and stab his chest, I stab him again and again.

I push the large man off me and stand up, I grab my handgun off the floor and walk to the man in pain, I took aim at his head and squeeze the trigger.

"Follow the target, Athena," I said.

"Already on him, the target heading toward the lower deck," Cindy said.

I walk using the same route that the target used, overlooking the stair; I can see the target just enter a door leading to the lower deck.

"We need to catch him before he gets away," Cindy said.

"Don't worry, I'm on it," I said.

I took a couple step and run toward the railing and onto the second-floor railing, I push my myself off the wall and onto the stair railing then I used the rest of the stair to reach the bottom floor.

I take out my handgun and open the door, walking in I take a careful step forward. there a few doors leading to other room, I ignore it and keep moving.

As I was about to pass the last door, I felt a bloodlust directed at me, I quickly step backward missing the meat cleaver slash. 

I raise my handgun toward him but it was immediately kicked away, He then slash the meat clever at me I keep on dodging then I kick him in the chest forcing him to step backward in the kitchen.

I unsheath my combat knife, he recovered and begin his attack on me, I dodge left then down. I kick his leg causing him to fall then I jump on top of him and plant the combat knife in his throat.

the man chokes on his own blood as I twist the blade in his blood when he finally stops moving then I take out the knife out and wipe the blad on his cloth.

I hear footstep coming from behind me, I turn and throw the knife in my hand toward the man standing behind me. it hit him directly on the center of his head and he falls on his back, his leg twitching, the sound of chocking can be heard coming from the man.

I stand up and walk to the man I just kill, taking the knife out from his skull then I wipe the blood off it again on the man cloth. I search for the gun that fell out my hand and I found it on the floor; I sheath the knife back.