Chapter 25:

Zero Braincell Tierlist!

ALTaccounti's Roasting Book! (Reopened)

This is a work in progress list of all the characters that possibly hold 0 brain cells in their empty skulls, the smarter or decently normal they are, the lower they show on the list. This tier list could have minor/major spoilers so you're warned!

I review all the character by roasting chapter order so yeah there might be characters missing from multiple book as bit by bit I expand this tier list!

Character can upgrade/downgrade can update the more chapters I read from your book within reviewing range.

S Tier

Taiyo & Misuki (Two Points) Verified crackheads, using nonsense sun and moon metaphors with 0 logic behind it, making astrologists wanna hang themselves. S tier indeed.

Kuji (Grimson: Blue Future) Verfied simp and the only reason he is S tier is because WHO WOULD FUKIN BELIEVE SOME RANDOM BISH'S DAD COULD CAUSE WW3 AND WIN IT TOO!!! and after being rejected he STILL SIMPS FOR HER WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FFFFF!!!!!

A Tier

Maria "Fighting For My Freedom In An Other World" This person speculated she was tied up even tho that was clear from the start, getting horny over her new reincarnted body, dared to simp for another girl while she is on death trial lmao.

Jaidon (I Once Believed The Sun Was A Legend) This man sold everything of his mom's belongings just to prolong her from dying, where after all of that he got the idea to go on a suicide mission funded by a broke ass government also verified simp for booba and scared of loli's.

Alina (I Once Believed The Sun Was A Legend) She is legit the embodiment of a weird ass lizard, that seems to have a dark skin fetish and likes to lick dark skins, jump on them and asked Jaidon why he is black XD XD. (Dark skin people are rare asf in the story so it kinda makes sense.) 

Aoi (Grimson: Blue Future) A rude as delucional bitch that told a that liked her that her dad could start world war 3 and sprayed herself with alcohol because she sees people as "Virus", like what kind of weeb is she smoking give me some of that lmao.

B Tier

Kiroi (Grimson: Blue Future) Is just a foreinger weird ass girl her sussiness/wierdness alone makes her B Tier.

C Tier 

Squidward (I Once Believed The Sun Was A Legend) Memed name for a name which start with a B I legit forgot lmao, anyways verified tsundere aggressive piece of shit XD. Also unintentional gay fuel, but this character isn't as stupid as we think he is, his reasoning to go on a suicide mission to find his dad is a pretty decent one ngl, hence why he is low on the list!

Aito (Grimson: Blue Future) (Pre chap 6) A bit of a simp, but still somewhat a normal person.

D Tier 

Kelly (I Once Believed The Sun Was A Legend) Typical shy shoujo cringe girl with big booba, but logic wise she actually is pretty normal lmao, just that she simps for bbc XD.

Maribell (Why Kill? If Witches Can Be Tentacled!) At first chapter she was stupid asf (B Tier level) as she was wandering in public lace even tough she was wanted and got saved by a lewd jellyfish lmao, but she regains braincell in future chapters only making her D Tier.

E Tier

Princess (Fighting For My Freedom In An Other World) (Pre chap 6) Seems like a very reasonable and rational character for now......

Snazzy-kun (Why Kill? If Witches Can Be Tentacled!) Pretty funny, relatable, tragic past (Got swatted lmfao dumbass) has good strats, powerfull and not not a beta. E Tier indeed!

F Tier

Haruto (Two Points) Totally normal with a good funcioning brain with his only downfall being simping for Mitsuki, poor dude!

Nanase (Two Points) Same as Haruto, only downfall being simping for Taiyo T-T, like the 2 of you should have known better!

Einstein Big Brain Tier (people that are so normal that its almost unbelievable XD)

Sato (From University Graduate to Soldier in an Interstellar Conflict: I Got Isekai'd To An Alien World at War) Intellenge, relatable, bland and mostly normal to the point that its almost realistic. That these type of characters could still be created is a surprise XD.

Yamato (Grimson: Blue Future) The perfectly normal and rational High School student, I can show him nothing more but respect.


Remember that this updates over time!
