Chapter 3:

Part 3

My Waifu, Here Is My Love Poem

You stayed with me for a week, or maybe two.

All the while, we used the guise of a foreign cosplayer,

But it was on one fateful day that our troubles grew.

Pounding on the door echoed by one who tired of being a waylayer.

He was wide, and broad. His face was stern and his uniform neat.

“I’ve come to take her,” he said with the ferocity of a slayer.

“Take who?” I said with forced ignorance as I looked behind him to the street.

He answered: “The one from a world that is beyond here.”

A small army outside told me there was little option to retreat.

With your wings outstretched, you immediately picked up your spear.

I shouted: “Lalage, please calm down. We don’t want to overdo—”

You said: “You will stay safe if you stay here.”

With a gust, you blew out the door;

Over the heads of those that seemed to want you silenced.

They aimed their guns, loaded and ready for war.

It was across a blue sky that you danced.

Your beauty standing above the guns loud ring.

You avoided the bullets, and away from the attackers you advanced.

A single blue feather fell from your wing

It fell along with a single tear from me.

The thought of you leaving made my heart wring.

I shook my head. I refused to let them make this decree.

It did not matter if I had to go up against this corps,

I refused to give in to the powers that be.

In the sky, you had flown to the north.

I hopped on my trusty bike,

And I set forth.

If I may make one complaint, there is one thing I would like,

That is that they had chased you slower that day;

Since going that far was quite a hike.

It took a while before I came up to a hill that overlooked the fray.

They had surrounded you, their guns aimed and steady.

I shouted and charged in without delay.

They must have been surprised by my shouts, they clearly were not ready.

I ran to your side and declared: “I would stand by her side henceforth.”

As they aimed their guns, it took all I took to keep my legs from turning to jelly.