Chapter 633:

Chapter 647: The Stakes of Stopping the Light

Beyond The Stars

Chapter 647: The Stakes of Stopping the Light

Narrator: Back with Zeth and Ivy who are fighting Daren.

Daren’s massive fused plant monster with many arms stares down at Zeth and Ivy. Zeth rubs his head and stands up after he was previously thrown back by the monstrous fused plant.

Zeth says, “Isn’t this just wonderful? We have to deal with this powerful plant monster before we can even fully deal with Daren but the plant monster will almost instantly revive if we kill it.”

Ivy mentions, “Perhaps we can have one of us distract the plant monster while the other fights—”

Daren interrupts Ivy with a stern tone. “Don’t even bother. This plant has so many arms that it would have no trouble fighting an entire squad of powerful soldiers all at the same time. You can’t win.”

Zeth shouts, “We’ll find some way to get through this and I’m sure that light source won’t last much longer!”

Daren replies by shouting, “Then show me what you can do!”

Zeth releases a Raging Star Blast at the plant monster while Ivy releases a wave of poison liquid at it. Both attacks hit the plant monster. Part of the plant monster dies but most of its arms are still able to move and slam into Zeth and Ivy, knocking them both back against a wall. They then fall to the floor in pain but do stand back up. The parts of the fused plant monster that died quickly revive.

Zeth thinks to himself. (“Come on, Sasha! Please stop the light soon!”)


Narrator: Back with Lavana, Herbigon, and Dusk who are fighting Lilly and her plants.

Lilly watches on as her evolved plants fight Lavana, Herbie, and Dusk down below. The three demons all release their own attacks at the plants, killing the ones that they hit. However, the plants quickly revive. A few plants run up to the demons from behind them and punch them, knocking them forward and onto the floor.

Lavana states with frustration, “This is pointless. There isn’t even a point to attacking them if they just revive almost instantly!”

Dusk remarks, “If we could just get a chance to attack the source, we wouldn’t even need to focus on these plants.”

Herbie replies, “Unfortunately, she has plants up above that are there just to protect her from any of our attacks. All we can do is just keep fighting until we figure out a solution.”

Lilly thinks to herself. (“As long as Grant still stands, there is no solution. You will just keep fighting until you all wear out and perish.”)


Narrator: Back with Sasha who is fighting Grant.

Grant shines light around Sasha and then he reforms himself within that light. He tries to punch Sasha but she successfully blocks it with her arms. However, he quickly transitions to a kick that hits Sasha in the gut, knocking her back and causing her to cough up some blood. She rag-dolls against the floor but recomposes herself fast enough to jump away just before Grants lands with a downwards thrust punch attack.

Sasha stands and thinks to herself while breathing heavily. (“It’s so hard to fight him when he can use reform himself in the light that can appear anywhere instantaneously! Should I use Soul Power? Or should I save that energy for a battle with Daren? I have to imagine that if Grant is this strong then his father must be even stronger!”)

Sasha summons many Hellhounds. She continues thinking to herself. (“Maybe there is some trick to his light. Maybe the reforming aspect is an illusionary trick. If that is the case then maybe my Hellhounds can sniff him out!”)

Sasha shouts, “My Hellhounds will figure you out!”

Grant replies with a calm and stern tone, “Figure me out?”

A ray of light shines down on the Hellhound closest to Grant. He reforms just above the Hellhound and pounds it with his fist, killing it. He then jumps upward with hands charged with light magic. He thrusts his hands forward and beams of light are released. With great speed in his arms, he quickly obliterates all of the Hellhounds two by two within seconds.

Sasha is left with a speechless expression.

Grant lands on the floor and simply states, “There is nothing to figure out. Everything I do is exactly as you see.”

Sasha’s expression turns from speechless to anger as she shouts, “Let’s see you handle this! Hell’s Gravity Bomb!”

Sasha releases a black orb of energy that starts floating in place near Grant and it has a strong gravitational pull that starts to pull Grant toward it.

Grant simply says, “Interesting.”

Grant begins to dash and easily escapes the gravitational pull. Sasha grits her teeth in panic as she quickly uses a kick to block Grant’s incoming punch.

Sasha tries to jump away to separate herself from Grant but he quickly kicks her to knock her on her back. Meanwhile, the gravity bomb explodes with no one near it.

Grant looks at Sasah and says, “Your attack would need the gravitational pull of a black hole to suck me in. It has become clear that I am a poor match-up for you. My light will clear out your darkness.”

Sasha slowly stands up and says, “Do not pull that invincible crap on me.”

Sasha points her finger at Grant’s face and states, “You have a scar on your face…” She then begins yelling, “Someone has left you with a significant wound! Your light does not make you invulnerable being beaten!” Sasha begins to activate Soul Power as she continues yelling. “Someone gave you an extremely tough fight! Someone may have even come close to defeating you! I will finish the job!”

Sasha stops yelling and then begins to state with determination as she thinks of Zenos, “I have faced stronger than you…” She then thinks of Dakame and then continues speaking. “I have defeated stronger than you…”

Sasha stomps on the floor, cracking it. She then yells, “I will not fall here! My darkness will smother your light!!”

Narrator: Realizing that she has no choice, Sasha activates Soul Power in her battle to stop Grant and his light!

Chapter 647 END

To be Continued in Chapter 648: The Story of How Grant Got His Scar