Hellbound Classroom
Jul 12, 2024

The whole class gets trapped in another dimension for a Death Game. Ryuuta Yanagi's normal life comes to an end after meeting a new teacher in class who is a self-proclaimed god. Endless despair binds the classroom in chaos, but can the class break through it? In this hopeless situation, everyone is forced to survive by participating in games—a game where soul, heart, body, mind, relationships, and life are crushed.

"um~ can you all stop reading the synopsis? the author is dummy to even give little spoilers. THAT SHITBAG I WILL DEFINATELY INCLUDE HIM TO THIS GAME TOO...hehe anyways enjoy the Death Game I created meet you in my classroom bye bye~☆

Note from author

I write this series rougly, English isn't my first language so I am quite self aware of my writing Lol. This story contents disturbing materials such as violence, dark humour, etc. Please don't read if you are sensitive and easily get offended.

This is my first time writing and I am writing just for fun. Thanks to everyone who is keeping it in check despite my weak grammar. I really appreciate it.

I write this series rougly, English isn't my first language so I am quite self aware of my writing Lol. This story contents disturbing materials such as violence, dark humour, etc. Please don't read if you are sensitive and easily get offended.

This is my first t...

Ryuuta Yanagi & Kanzaki Kamui

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