the color of shattered dreams

When Saki is pressured into becoming a magical girl lest tragedy occurs, it takes a little bit of coping, sure, but he soon realizes that periodically turning into a girl with reality-bending powers isn't the worst thing that could've happened.

The pros? It pays well. God-like powers are useful. Meeting women is easier.

The cons? Having to go back to school. Constant mortal peril. Having to shave his legs out of aesthetic necessity.

Oh, and having to pay back a debt that would make millionaires cry. (a.k.a. any debt)

limit was 7.5k so I violently condensed the last chapter whilst hoping it serves as a 'volume 1' ending of sorts >:P I'll update the cover once I have a camera with higher quality than a calculator in 1980

limit was 7.5k so I violently condensed the last chapter whilst hoping it serves as a 'volume 1' ending of sorts >:P I'll update the cover once I have a camera with higher quality than a calculator in 1980

UpdatedApr 30, 2024
Writing StatusFinished
Word Count7,500
Featured fan art of this novel.