A Room With No Blood

Two figures stand in a small room with only a single light from the ceiling to light the room. "I want you to kiss now", A voice announces over an intercom. The two shaking figures began embracing each other. You have to do what the voice says. "Now stop, I'm bored of that." The figures stop. You must do what the voice says. "Cut your pinkies off." The figures began, but one of them stops. They hesitate. The light goes out. Screams fill the dark room, echoing into the walls. Welcome to the room where there is no blood to see.

A short series published monthly on Rainobu between 2020 to 2021.

A short series published monthly on Rainobu between 2020 to 2021.

UpdatedJul 11, 2021
Writing StatusFinished
Word Count18,737
Featured fan art of this novel.