Kiyota Tokugawa, a 21-year old university student who lives in a very calm, friendly neighborhood. The neighbor from downstairs who greets him every morning with a smile on her face, Miss Matsubara Kuniko. The landlady, Usui Yumiko who treats him like the son she never had and lastly, the ever so cheerful college freshman, Takahara Yukari who's beauty shines in the sunlight.
Even though they each show the most cheerful of expressions, each one of them houses the most devastating secrets that slowly but surely start surfacing, some of which are too much to be left unchecked.
Prompt: Impossible Romance
Theme(s): #Drama
My Themes: #Heavy Drama #Suspense
Prompt: Impossible Romance
Theme(s): #Drama
My Themes: #Heavy Drama #Suspense
Author | |
Genre | DramaPsychologicalRomanceTragedy |
Updated | Aug 14, 2021 |
Chapters | 21 |
Writing Status | Finished |
Word Count | 35,135 |