A vampire named Shizu, is a part of a species of vampires that can shapeshift into other people after devouring their life energy. These vampires are known as "Body Stealers". After his dearest friend, Nao dies from a vampire hunter attack, Shizu decides to use his powers to transform into his friend, so their souls could become one. Then, after years of being in hiding, a government agency finds out about Shizu, and forcefully enrolls him in a school specifically for vampires. The two scientists, Cleo and Yuki claim that they want to find a cure for the Body Stealers so to stop their cravings for human energy. But with the school being located on a remote island, would this be a good opportunity for him to get cured or will it become more like a prison that he'll fight to break free from? Well, the latter is chosen, and Shizu, along with his group of friends, Kilu, Reira, Nero and Iris, form the "Vampire Break-Out Club".
Hello, I'm Hachiko, and I'm excited to present this light novel about "body stealing vampires"! I decided to try something new with the typical "vampire story" and have it take place in a school because why not! Vampires can go to school, right? Some things about myself here though is that I've been writing various novels for about 4 years now. However, I never could find a nice place to actually publish my stuff. But after hearing about this writing contest and Honeyfeed, I've felt more motivated to write so I can have other people read it! I'm very happy to have found out about Honeyfeed through MAL, of which I didn't know about until one of my friends recommended it to me recently. As you could have guessed, I love anime and manga! Besides entering the contest, I hope I can gain a lot of feedback, since this would be my first time even publishing my work online! Thank you for reading :) I tend to post every Wednesday!
Hello, I'm Hachiko, and I'm excited to present this light novel about "body stealing vampires"! I decided to try something new with the typical "vampire story" and have it take place in a school because why not! Vampires can go to school, right? Some things about mys...