The Written Picture

Dawn is an author without the courage let anyone read her writing. The only exception being her friend Pic, at least that's what she calls her. Of course, she's never actually met Pic. Kinda hard to do so when she doesn't even know her name. But that's par for the course when making friends online, so Dawn's fine with that arrangement. She's totally fine with it. She's fine.

Eliza is an artist who has only ever shown one person her artwork. That person being her friend Word. Sure, she's never met Word, but what's the problem with that? Well, Eliza considers it a problem. But Word has given no indication that she considers it a problem, so it's definitely not a problem. Not a real problem, at any rate.

I will try to post one chapter a day until it's all uploaded. However, life has been known to get hectic, so that schedule may not happen. I can only hope to contain the riots brought about by my failure

I will try to post one chapter a day until it's all uploaded. However, life has been known to get hectic, so that schedule may not happen. I can only hope to contain the riots brought about by my failure

UpdatedAug 23, 2022
Writing StatusFinished
Word Count52,197
Featured fan art of this novel.