

25 | him/his | European

Writing since 2016 to find the fine line between the bittersweet beauty of sorrow and the feeling of deep human connection, creating worlds that provide shelter from reality, but also embrace its way of being.
I occasionally write comments/critiques that could be short stories on their own, so sorry for all the flooded comment sections 😅
Read into my current novel "Celluloid", if you are interested!

registered at: Sep 08, 2021
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    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2022
    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2023

    Jul 04, 2022

    Oh! I don’t know why I assumed that you participated. I guess because you started publishing the story at the start of June and almost everyone is currently participating as it feels. But no one says that you have to choose a category. I also do have hints of romance. And I guess that most Rom Coms also take place in a school. But I guess where you are coming from. Leaving the Comedy away from this story could potentially be a stretch too far. 😕
    And thanks for your cheers. I’m still a bit sceptical about my chances, but we’ll see. 😅

    I would not trust the numbers too much. There is still quite some error in the sum calculation for the accumulated reads. And as far as I can tell from the outside this difference stems not from an automated job running only once a day. So use those numbers only as a rough evidence for those decisions.
    And if you want to change anything you still have the possibility. That is the nice thing with web novels. They can evolve and change over time. I’m not far away from publishing the changes I made from your feedback on the second chapter of my novel. 😁

    Oh, in politics! There you went right for the big changes. Yeah, you won’t change the whole world. Of course not, but if it is a small part that is already enough (for me at least). And I don’t want to stop people from „simping over their anime waifus“. It just has to stay healthy.

    Yes, absolutely agreed! I’m also amazed by how nice all people here are. There are a lot of toxic sub cultures inside the anime fandom, but the people I have come across here are actually really nice. And there are a lot of awesome indie things out there. Not just novels, but also movies games and so on. They are not optimized and therefore have a whole different level of freedom When they are being created!

    The WTP Club

    Jul 03, 2022


    Yes, totally agree! Most lonely people search for a relationship, even though it is probably not the best moment to find who you really need. Friendships and hobbies are also awesome to get distracted with youself! 😁
    As with Wark and Beat, I get that they have to be easily comparable and that maybe is, why the can relate to one another as good. It comes at the price of making them harder to distinguish 😅 But I guess that is okay.

    Sometimes cheap solutions do the trick. There would possibly be better options to stall time for a shorter timeframe, but something overarching a day makes things harder 😅

    Yes, the readers are also a part of that equation. I guess it is like with every major industry: It develops to push the right buttons to maximize the customer's satisfaction, but does not care about consequences. Maximize for profit and not for helpfulness. With stories it leads to the mentioned delusion for some people who think they themselves are just like the next harem rom com protagonist. That is why stories like this one here are so important.
    But lets also face it: It is insanely hard to strike the right balance. Most people rarely like it to get called out, because then they have to face their shortcomings and it is so much easier to act as if they are not there. This goes especially for a medium they consume to entertain themselves. So those messages mostly reach people who actually already figured them out themselves.
    Probably only a wolf in sheep's clothing (or rather a sheep in wolf's clothing) is able to become successful enough to reach a lot of people and have a real impact. But looking at the numbers it looks like you already reached a lot of people. I'm rooting for you to win this contest and make it even more! 😊

    Glad I could make you happy! I already added the book to my library, so I will be there when the next chapter drops 😁

    The WTP Club

    Jul 03, 2022

    Okay, I had a lot of remarks on the way here, but was too occupied finding out what on earth caused things to escalate so quickly 😂 BTW a pretty good sign that your story is able to capture your readers for several chapters straight. You just seem to have a bit misantropy in your genes to prolong the final explanation for 4/5 chapters 😜 But a writer must sometimes do what a writer must do.
    And please take a seat for the rest of my thoughts so far - yeah I am serious. This is going to be a long one even for my terms (sorry not sorry) 😅😂

    I already kind of considered the option that you would do this full turn with the Trusted Union. You made their obvious premise look so absurd, to trick the reader into thinking, that Va and the WTP club just interpreted things into their real activities. It was definitely the likliest option I considered, but I had it on the radar - with no clue whatsoever of how you would explain that.
    That they would resort to such means like sedative darts ... well it surprised me to say the least. Also interesting is that Va seemingly changed sides. But I think that she did so without changing her current goal: Stop the replacement of all women on earth with anime girls. Through going back to him, she rubs Keiichi off the reason for this whole thing in the first place. She seems to be uncomfortable with him touching her, but she sacrifices herself to prevent the greater harm. At least that is what I guess all this aims for.

    Their goal to create - essentially - walking and talking Waifus is already deemed to fail anyways. I absolutely loved the talk between Wark and Beat (both of whom I somehow mixed up (maybe I am just bad with names 😅). It sometimes is a bit in your face, but I don't really care because the arguments especially from Wark are just on point! 😍 I think it has to do with realizing one's self-worth (not self-love!). This guys have to realize that they don't define themselves through someone else or just have to adapt and twist to appeal to a girl. They have to realize they are worthy of becoming a better person than they were yesterday; worthy of living their own lives with own interests, hobbys and friends and worthy of something better than a doll that is created just to serve as a tool to make them forget about the harsh truths of reality; worthy of a real girlfriend with real feelings and a real personality herself. Only then the right ones can find their way to them.
    But facing reality: recognizing this self-worth does not guarantee success. Afterall attraction is complex and simply is there or is not. But once they find out who they themselves really are and accept and embrace that way of being, they will stop to twist artificially into something they are not. And they will surely learn how to tell if someone can accept this strangeness or is not worthy of their time because they would never understand them anyways.
    But even if they succeded to create such dolls: Would they not "feel" strange about being locked into cells? And would the boys even be satisfied with them as "girlfriends" in the long run? It is a whole different thing waking up next to a robot than to a breathing and living human being that chose out of free will to be with you. What about marrying or founding a family (okay, maybe I take this exaggerated premise too serious 😂)? These dolls would be nothing but a hack to trick their minds into thinking they are not alone anymore. But afterall it is a soulless doll that was created to just serve the purpose of making a boy feel less alone. If they would really treat them with the respect they claim to treat their "girlfriends" with, than they would not create them in the first place.
    But as far as I read your foreshadowing, you are going a different route then the "incomplete robots", but rather portray them developing the emotions of real girls once put to life. If they even get to creating the dolls at all - if PlatinumOne starts running to them now, then he would probably be there before they can start anything.

    And there we are at the next (and last - promise 😅 - topic): I abolutely did not expect that you would incorporate PlatinumOne into the story in person. I really had to laugh when he called the situation "tragic" and that the guys had lost their way and so on. It somehow reminded of my comment a while ago. I guess in that regard our opinions somehow match 😅
    I just found it a bit strange that he and Emily are just casually chilling out in the forest, even though time should be critical with the current events. But I guess that you are just stalling for time a bit to make them not crash the party too early.

    All in all you can see that I am engrossed deeply in the story and the way it pans out. It is funny, absurd, but also sometimes serious and I just love the topic and the way you incorporate everything together. In my opinion there are also a lot of writers that rather write stories which try to flee into a fantasy. I did as well, a while ago. Maybe that is why I like this story so much. Because it portrays this clash of the longing for a fantasy while living in reality. But you won't escape reality so easily, so it is better to find a way of arranging with it and not sell people the picture of a wrong world. Otherwise they get unhappy with in their real life.
    I am very grateful that you actually face realtiy with all its ugly but also very beautiful shades! It really is a breeze among a lot of stories that just leave an empty feeling afterwards - when returning back to normal life.
    Keep on your awesome work and I'll gladly participate whenever the next chapters drop! 😊
    And don't feel obligated to answer (instantly). The length of this somehow knocked the ball out of the park even for my means 😂

    The WTP Club

    Jul 02, 2022

    To:Jio Kurenai

    Wow, thank you very much for the kind words! I'm happy you could make time to give my novel a look and even more that you experienced it in this special way!

    I'm no hacker as well, but a web developer. So I'm rather the one patching the holes hackers use to break in. 😂
    However, I also thought about making an excursion into game development further down the line, since I played a bit in this field with Unreal Engine and C++ a bit as well. But I also have to see what this story and universe develop into.
    All of this sounds like you really had a great professor there (most of my teachers and professors for programming sadly were not that entertaining, but there were a others at different diciplines that really were awesome)! I read a book about Gamification a few years ago and it actually isn't that hard to design assignments in that way. This kind of challenges from your professor and Ando-sensei as well are nothing less then that and insanely effective way to motivate students.

    And I feel you with this premise of designing stories in a way they are not preachy. The moral lessons have to be concealed with several layers but not too much because since they would not be obvious enough to recognize. Quite a hard balance to strike as well, like the one we talked about back in your novel. The latter half of this chapter for example has a bit of preachiness, but I wanted it to show the story's essence in short which makes concealing near impossible. And this should not come across as a plain shounen story but has a moral component to it as well 😅
    So I'm struggling alongside you on that problem and probably will be for the next years.

    Thank you again for reading and your encouraging words! 😊

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