Lost Destiny follows an ordinary man in a world torn apart by war. For decades—if not centuries—Earth and Mars have been in conflict. The rich and powerful left Earth long ago to live in comfort on Mars, while the people left behind struggle to survive in a world where morality has become a dista...
Ruu Akaru, a college student burdened by regrets and haunted by memories, seeks redemption by moving to Tokyo with his friend Kurosaki. However, his past continues to trouble him, especially memories of his grandmother. As Ruu navigates the bustling streets of Tokyo, he encounters challenges tha...
Ayase Akaru possesses an extraordinary ability to glimpse his own future, guiding his choices in life. But when he encounters two divine beings, Thanatos and Eros, his world is turned upside down. Thanatos foretells a tragic destiny for his beloved Yumi, while Eros offers a different path to ...
In the shadows of despair, where the desire for life battles the longing for death, a soul teeters on the edge. Ruu, lost in the void after the tragic loss of his beloved Aumi, contemplates the ultimate escape. But in the darkness, a glimmer of hope appears—a mysterious girl with eyes as deep as ...
This not a story of hope or love . This a story of a devil becoming a devil. The protagonist of the story Hoshi Akarui finds out that the only things exit in this world is pain, sufferings and so called humans but originally beasts. So he wants a revolution. For some reason he needs an exit to th...