Aug 31, 2022
I really enjoyed this - felt like going on a whole journey! Do you plan to do anything more with these characters/in this world?
Also, I'm interested in how you put it together - had you planned from the start where you wanted it to go, or did you just kinda start and keep writing? Like, I'm super bad with writing at needing everything to very tidily lead up to something: "This character was introduced in chapter 1, therefore they must be significant in the final chapter", that kind of thing. But the way you wrote with characters coming and going, things being important and then less important, but with keeping the through-line of Noel trying to become comfortable with their new identity - it felt far more natural and realistic to what school life (and just life!) is actually like. It's something I'd like to try doing, so would be cool to hear about your method.
Anyway, loved the story, first thing on this site that I've read in full. Looking forward to more stuff from you!