Turning fourteen years old in Summer of Year Eight Uzziah within Teratopolis, an adolescent Miyauchi Zac suffered from greed in his heart, tricking his customers of buying his crappy products for profit. He did it for the past two years, until he got caught for stealing and was reported to the au...
After school ends, fifteen year old Emuna began returning to her birthplace Xenopolis in Midbar from Tekhoria's capital city Kesaf like she did every summer. But this summer was very different from others before it. Her anxieties of her hospitalized Aunt, one of her missing friends, and others...
In Maritima, Mekura within the supercontinent island Adama in Year Eight Zedekiah, thirteen year old Tifara faced persecution and harassment for her beauty. Her friends helped her on the way. Then once of her friends suffered from a heart attack, she and her friends visited her sickly friend i...