

As a huge fan of reading BL and watching anime, I have always been drawn to the captivating stories and complex characters that these genres offer. From the moment I discovered BL, I was hooked and quickly became a devoted fan, eagerly devouring every novel and anime series I could find.

registered at: Jun 09, 2023
  • Author
  • Achievement
    Published Novel Level 1
    Published Chapter Level 3
    Novel Cover Upload Level 3
    Time(Daily access) Level 2

    I have a dream. That is, to one day become a best-selling author. I hope so. Anyways, about me: I started writing since I was 7, short stories, poems and even some draft novels but I never really worked on any story efficiently cause I thought aiming to become an author was unrealistic. But here I am! Writing! Anyways if you want you can check out my fanfictions in Wattpad under the ID: Rearie08. Papa,will be back: Haru x Daisuke (Completed) Masked Men: Kakashi x Gojo (Completed)
    I write Light novels (webnovels) for fun. I try my best to post as often as I can, which can range from weekly to sometimes multiple times in a week. I mostly do fantasy stuff or work on supernatural ideas. Basically if it's not normal I love it! I look forward to any interaction between the community and myself.
    Just your usual writer and aspiring mangaka. (20+)
    Join Draconia's Discord channel! https://discord.gg/3gBK3gWu92
    Seb. Just an artist trying to keep up with his lattest interests!
    I usually read back as a courtesy but if you're gonna read JUST so I return the favor, heed my warning: I won't apparently my writing style is too avant-garde for the weebs or some shit but if you ask me that's just a polite way to tell me I have terminal skill issue
    I am trying to write something :). 29/Poland/ISFJ Nice to meet you!