Kairo, a 18 year old male who was roaming through the night when he noticed the shadows forming from the world, his life was always full of surprises such as his childhood friends and girlfriend, he was always proud of being with them. While, Kairo and his friends were walking, they were surround...
In a world where humans and demons possess mystical powers, Arcane Academy and Abyssal Citadel engage in an annual battle called the Demiwars. As students from both schools showcase their unique abilities, alliances form, rivalries ignite, and unexpected friendships emerge. Amidst the chaos, a di...
The story follows Koji, a talented martial artist who dreams of becoming the world's strongest warrior. He enrolls in the prestigious Warrior's Academy, where he meets a group of equally skilled fighters, including a beautiful and powerful female warrior named Yui. As Koji trains and competes ...
In the bustling city of Sakura Falls, lies Harmony High School, renowned for its picturesque cherry blossom gardens and its unique approach to education. Amidst the blooming flowers and vibrant hallways, a tale of love, friendship, and self-discovery unfolds. Enter Sora Tanaka, an ordinary yet ch...
Beyond the Broadcast follows Alex's surreal journey through corrupted animation worlds, battling entities to preserve the essence of storytelling.
A Kid well respected by people, learn that most humans, most gods and most importantly, your own best friend are nothing but fakers. let us dive in the world which Akihiro will get revenge on for this very reason.
Faded Petals is a original story that involves around a girl named Hikari Nakamura who was once your average high schooler who seeks for nothing but friends despite her sad life until one day she meets a new transfer student named Kazuki Hayashi on the rooftop. Inner Demons would begin to attack ...