Aug 04, 2021
This is the final interlude of this novel. Up next is part 3, titled Revelations. The final part. All of the mysteries and plot threads will be answered and brought together. Hopefully, I can stick the landing.
Up until this point, I have written and edited every chapter one at a time and publishing them when each was finished. from this point on, however, I will be writing the entire ending all at once and then release chapters periodically until the end of the contest. I will also be heavily editing the book up to this point before I start publishing in order to improve on the writing style and other things. So be prepared for many changes to everything but the plot.
I am estimating that it will take another week or so to write part 3, and then maybe another week to edit everything and make it as good as possible. That should give me more than enough time to release the remaining chapters before the time period ends.
The story beats will stay the same, though possible small edits are to be expected. However, everything else will change greatly.
I am up to about 30,000 words. 2/3 of the way finished. Yay!