

registered at: Jul 06, 2021


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If you like my novel, I'll like yours, If you follow me I'll follow you, I'm nice like that
Your average author hoping to get reviews on his work. Please follow back and stay tune for more chapters! Any feedback is great feedback! Underground author just out here creating, and trying to get works out. Instagram: @hellenestorian YouTube: Hellenstorian
A few stories had been gnawing at my mind for the past few years. This mght be a a good opportunity to pen them down! Weekdays would be very busy for me but I will be sure to interact over the weekends. ヽ(*゚д゚)ノ
Just a beginner novelist, if you love my work a follow will do to stay tune for future chapters of Reality Breaker And my mini romcom thanks for support!! If i have a wrong grammar or pronunciation feel free to leave a feedback so that i will take note of that to enhance my novel skills.