Aug 05, 2021
I can agree with you that Milo could've used maybe a more distinct voice, but I have to disagree about Logan character. From the get-go Logan and Milo's relationship is portrayed as a mentor-type from the moment that Logan extracts and gives the first soul of the story to Milo. Being confrontational and a mentor are not two exclusive things. I did not see a total shift in character from Logan, as he continues to be confrontational throughout the story so far, as with the dinner party when he is upfront with Milo that he cannot continue to 'survive' off eating soul here and there, but that there are other ways to thrive. From what I've read it seems to me that Logan has taken an interest in Milo because he sees himself in him, but still holds true to his secretive and brutish personality.
Additionally, I have to disagree heavily with what you said about Ava changing drastically throughout the story. The writer even described in the chapter where the new world is revealed to her that she was burying anxiety and fear underneath and was putting up a front, as she seems to be a character that has had to already deal with a lot of turmoil in life and wants to come off as having a tough shell. She is strong, but still human with all the emotions attached. It makes sense why she would burst into tears by the water when the crypt was chasing them since she has been given tons of new earth-shattering information in a short amount of time, and eventually that would catch up to her, probably giving her an anxiety attack.
Just wanted to input my thoughts!!